part one: the fuckboy

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To tell you the truth, Calum Hood hadn't always been a total tool. He used to be nice before he hit puberty. I knew this because he was my neighbor and we used to be friends when we were fifteen. Fifteen year old Calum was short and lanky, had an awful fringe and wore ridiculous clothes, and had a little baby face.

Eighteen year old Calum was tall and muscular--due to wrestling--had ridiculously nice hair and better taste in clothes, and had a jawline that could most definitely cut a bitch. Calum Hood was hot and he knew it.

I wouldn't use the word tool to describe Calum, no, because he wasn't even a tool anymore. (He wore muscle tees at least once a week though, so maybe only a half tool.) Yeah, Calum Hood was a total fuckboy, but he was popular due to his insanely good looks.

A lot of his popularity came from the wrestling team. In fact, Calum Hood had been undefeated for the past three years in a row.

But Calum was a total player and everyone knew it. Girls knew what they were getting into once they had started to talk to him. He talked to them, told them what they wanted to hear (which went somewhere a long the lines of playing twenty one questions and a lot winky faces), got into their pants and then moved on to the next one. That's what I had heard anyway.

He was notorious for stealing people's girlfriends and cockblocking just because he felt like it. This didn't happen very often, but the cockblocking did. I had once heard his friend Michael talking about it.

Yet, a lot of people liked Calum and I really could see why. He was funny, when he wanted to be, and sometimes cool. He was still a fuckboy, period.

You were probably wondering how I tied into this. It's a funny story.

The last time I spoke to Calum Hood was a year ago. He asked me if I had ever sent someone nudes, which didn't surprise me, as we sat in class. I shook my head and then he looked away without saying anything else.

Today was the first time I had spoken to him since then. I was coming home from school and making my way to our mailbox when he arrived home as well, parking his car in the driveway.

I could feel him staring from afar and then he walk over to me. He did the same thing I did. He reached into his mailbox and said, "Hey, Kara."

"Hey, Calum," I sighed and then turned to leave. It didn't end there. Of course it didn't.

Because right as I turned to leave, he said, "Why don't we ever hang out?"

I stopped and turned around, giving him a confused look. "We're not really friends anymore?"

Calum smirked at me. "Oh, we should definitely be friends again."

I knew what that meant. He was delusional if he thought I was going to fall into his games. "You're gross. Bye," I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"Wait, one more question!" He called and I crossed my arms over my chest as I waited for him to continue. "Did you get those pants on sale?" Calum asked and I looked down at myself. "Because they would be one-hundred percent off at my house."

I rolled my eyes again. "Bye, Calum," I groaned and gave him the middle finger.

"Bye, baby!" He shouted back as I walked to my front door.

"Fuckboy," I said under my breath as I stepped into my house, kicking my shoes off.

Little did I know that today wouldn't be the last time I'd speak to Calum Hood.

a/n: ok so i hope this was alright bc i usually don't like anything i write but i kind of liked this so i hope you did too! and i hope you got a laugh out of it if not then im really lame ok bye

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