Connor and I were having a shot in the bar with Rocco behind the bar.

"You look good roc" Connor said.

"You want to tell me what's going on with you two?" Roc asked.

"They got liv." I sighed flicking my cigarette into the tray.

"Then what the fuck are ya doin sittin here!" He exclaimed.

Connor and I both remained silent and didn't make eye contact with our deceased friend.

"Don't ya dare tell me yer givin up" Rocco growled.

We both sighed and Rocco exclaimed,"look at you two! What's happened? This isn't you! You guys are better than this! Stronger! Liv wouldn't want this! Man up! Grow a pair and do what you two do best!"

Flicking my cigarette again, I was about to say something when a small voice asked,


My body froze as Connor and I both turned in our chairs to see a small child standing by the door. The kid couldn't have been more than 4 years old, dark brown hair, and the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. He kinda reminded me of myself.

"Daddy?" The kid asked again walking towards us, but his eyes remained on me.

I stare confused at the child. Why was he calling me dad? I didn't have a kid. Live miscarried....suddenly my body froze and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Like I was suffocating. I turned slowly back to Rocco who just nodded,

"Murphy meet yer son...Anthony"

Connors eyes widened as he finally understood who the kid was. I felt tears flood my eyes as I turned towards the child. Rising to my feet, I felt at any moment I could pass out.

"Anthony?" I choked out.

A smile spread across the boys face as he exclaimed,"daddy!"while raising his hands to me.

That's all it took as tears fell down my cheeks and I ran towards my son. Picking the small child in my arms I cried out as he embraced me tightly around my neck. He was exactly how I pictured him. He was perfect.

"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry" I whispered into my sons hair as I cried harder.

I felt someone stand next to me and I saw Connor who also had glossy eyes as he starred at my son. Anthony raised his head from my neck and smiled at me and Connor

"Don't cry" he smiled.

Wiping my face, I forced myself to smile. A new sense of love and compassion filled my body. A warmth only a father would know. Anthony's eyes left ours and looked over my shoulder,


Arching an eyebrow, I asked confused,"mommy?"

"Murphy?" A woman's voice causing me to freeze.

"Murph?" The sound of that voice made my heart pound and my hands sweat. I knew that voice anywhere,


Turning, I heard her chuckling and it was when I heard footsteps that I finally saw her. She was walking towards us with a huge smile on her face. She was wearing a black dress and the scar on her shoulder was gone. Tears filled my eyes again as she approached me.

"Liv" my voice cracked.

She smiled and rested her hand on my cheek.

"Mommy!" Anthony exclaimed reaching out for her.

"Hi baby" she said taking the boy from my arms.

I watched as Anthony embraced his mother and the happiness on my wife's face was something I've never seen. For once my who family was together.

"Anthony have you been bein good for uncle Rocco?" She asked.

He nodded as Rocco laughed and approached Olivia,"whatever! The little trouble maker!"

"Where do you think he gets it from?" She smirked looking at me.

Smiling I wiped my cheeks as more tears fell. Kissing Anthony's head, she handed him to Rocco and then turned to us,

"Now what's going on guys?"

"Liv" my voice cracked.

"You guys can't stop. You can't give up. You're strong. And I love you both so much. And I know you wouldn't want me kicking your asses" she smiled over to Connor.

Connor had tears in his eyes,"dat we wouldn't lass"

"Good, now get back out there and fight." She said determined.

"I need you liv" I whimpered.

She smiled softly and walked closer to me, resting her hand on my cheek. I gripped her hand on my face and leaned into her touch,

"I need you too murph. We both do"

My eyes starred in wonder as I raised my head from her hand. What did she mean we?

She smiled,"now do me a favor and wake up."

Starring confused at her, I was about to ask what she meant, when everything started to disappear and all I heard was her voice,

"Wake up"

Breathing heavily, Connor and I both jolted awake. Starring at my brother, I saw just as much determination in his eyes as were in mine. One thing bothered me though. What did liv mean by we?

A/n so you all got a glimpse of where and what is happening to Olivia. Also got a family reunion with baby Anthony, but one thing still confuses Murphy. what did Olivia mean by "we both need you" ??? Let me know what you think!

My blue eyed saint (sequel to Murphy's angel)Where stories live. Discover now