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I wake up to muffled noises and sounds as I lay still. My neck feels to heavy to move or even to get up, even opening my eyes seems like to much. I feel the surface that I'm on lower and I wait to see what will happen next.

I try lifting up my hands or my feet or just simply talking but everything either seems to heavy or pointless. I feel someone feel my pulse on my rists then light speeded footsteps shuffling everywhere before they approach me and I feel another pair of hands. These hands are slightly colder and my heart speeds up, I'm unsure of my surroundings, I'm defenceless as I'm laying here with a almost lifeless body and god knows anything can happen to me.

Then all of a sudden my hearing hightens and I hear Harrys voice, panicked and irritation sounds through but I'm just glad his here by me.

"Will she be okay ?" I hear his voice fade out and too late to catch the responders reply.

Averys P.O.V

She's irritated as she stares at the phone in her bedroom. She's been cradling her legs on her bed for the past two hours debating on whether she should or shouldn't phone Harry.

She sees Dawns panicked face when Dawn saw how ragged she had been. Screaming and shouting at someone who did not choose the situation that they in, but yet everything they seem to do is wrong.

For the last day she hasn't slept, eaten or gone to work, she hasn't even spoken to Dawns family in fear that she will tell them all who did this and where Dawn is. They could really all die including her and that's scary.

The phone rings and it startles Avery, she stares at the phone thinking about crazy things before after five rings she finally picks it up.

*"Avery?"* she hears through the phone, its Harry but his voice seems distant.

*"What's wrong"* She asks as her heart beats faster.

*"is this about Dawn? She's alright, right? "* she asks once again hoping it to a yes.

*"You need to get to my place fast, now."* and then there's a buzz from the other end. A dead line.

Averys grip tightens on her phone as she tries to comprehend anything at this point. What if Harry finally snapped and he did something bad to Dawn and now his sitting with her body unsure of what to do with it.

Avery almost flies off the bed and grabs her boots, bag and runs downstairs.

"Honey is that- where you going? Baby? " her mom calls with relief as she hears her daughter running downstairs but it turns into worry as she sees her face and the pace her daughter is going at.

Avery ignores her mom as she grabs her car keys and heads to the kitchen to retrieve a knife.

"Baby, what do you need that for? Avery??"

Avery runs past her mother and opens the door with not one word to say.

The eddrinaline inside her is rushing so fast, she knows her plans if her first though was real, she would kill Harry and nobody will stop her.


I awake once more but this time there's silence and the smell of strong cigarettes

Floating about. I cough.

Suddenly I hear a thump and a scream and that's when my heart starts pounding.

"Harry? ? Where is sh- omg Dawn? " I hear Avery and sudden a strong grip on my hand.

"Avery.... " I hear Harrys strong voice and his boots scraping on the mat on the balcony.

"Shut up! What the FUCK did you do you pig!!" Avery screeches and pulls my hand by accident I presume. I winch.

"Dawn??" She says focusing on me she touches my cheek and I try opening my eyes.

"Avery sh--" Harry tries again.

"Stay away! If you so much come close to us I will kill you so help me god Harry!" My heart starts pounding even harder as I try speaking but I fail.

"Woaw... Avery... calm down. .." Harry sayes pausing every time he speaks.

I try and think what his afraid off. I hear Ms Smuts gasp and Harry telling her to calm down and just stay downstairs.

"Don't even try fucking with me. I don't care what happened or what she did! You put her here you got here now.... look whats become of her. " Avery says crying while squeezing my hand.

"G-i-n-g-e-r. .." I say in a raspy voice.

Everything is quite and I feel Averys grip tighten furiously.

"Dawn? Are you okay babe did he hurt you? ??" She ask silently while caressing my cheek.

I open my eyes as the room is lit with afew candles making it almost morbid, Averys face comes into place and I smile before looking to the far side of her and Harrys standing there looking pale as hell and all I want to do in the moment is walk up to him and rub his skin on mine to give him life and give him back his beautiful olive colour.

"Dawn?? " Avery speaks again and I look at her.

"Yeah ... " I say as I cough my throat is dry and it feels like I have the whole bloody Sahara Desert in my mouth.

Avery eyes wides before she searches the room and picks up a cup of cool water with a straw already in it, I try lifting up but my head feels like its spinning and Avery is trying to help me up to. Harry steps forward.

"It's fine! I've got her you already did enough damage thank you very much. " she says as she puts the glass back down and puts a pillow at the back of me.

"Harry...." I say looking at the pain in his eyes but he shakes his head and starks out of the room.

I exhale and my heart hurts after a minute or two looking at the open door I look back at Avery and she's staring at me in aware but I ignore her and move a bit higher up and I use my elbows to help me.

Im in a comfortable position but a awkward situation, both of us sitting silently saying nothing I clasp my teeth together and reach out to get the glass but Averys already ahead of me as she takes it first and holds the straw to my mouth. I don't look up at her as I take big sips gulping the cooling water down as if my life depends on it.

The burning in my throat desolves and Avery puts the cup down and folds her hands in her lap while she's sitting on the floor.

"If you here to lecture me and tell me this is all Harrys fault..... and how stupid I am for feeling sorry for him and finding pity on him every time I'm the one getting hurt.. . Does it even occur to you that I love him. ... that I love him so much I dismay all the wrong his done... that I love him for his flaws and that the crazy think is that he isn't even in or even agrees with the his dad that all of this is right. .... "

I pause..... "His such a good person Avery... I know it he might not and you might not but I know and see it. So give him a chance cause his trying his best, if you can't except that then walk away, leave cause the lecture is not needed here. "

There's silence once again as I'm out of breath and waiting for a response. She gets up from the ground and my heart pounds as she dusts her sleeping shorts off.

Is this what you really want??? The only friend that's ever been loyal to you ro leave just because you stupid to let her go over a dumb boy?

You love him too Betty.

Beastie. HS*Where stories live. Discover now