Upon returning to Hogwarts, some students noticed something different about Severus and Remus, but they had no clue what it could be. At least not until Hagrid burst into tears and congratulated them and Sirius in front of the entire school. With all eyes on them now, Remus slid down in his chair until only the top of his head was showing. Severus looked like he wanted to follow suit.

People began heading for their classes. It took several minutes for Severus to get Remus moving and by then, only a few students remained.

Hagrid stopped them as they reached the entrance. "Sorry for making a scene back there."

"They were bound to find out eventually," Severus pointed out.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal," Remus added.

It was a slightly bigger deal when Hagrid, beaming, clapped Severus on the shoulder, making him fall face first into the wall. Remus pulled him off and dragged him away as Hagrid apologized profusely behind them.

Harry, who had witnessed the entire thing, could only sigh and roll his eyes.

A very proud Sirius was seen swaggering through the corridor on more than one occasion after that. "Off to visit my wonderful mates," he'd announce to no one in particular. And then, if he met either Remus or Severus in the corridor, he would fling himself at them and nuzzle his head against theirs while they tried to pry him off.

"That man is ruining my reputation," Severus grumbled during a staff meeting after one particular visit in which Sirius actually jumped on his back.

"Oh, Sevvie," Remus said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "it was ruined the minute you joined the anti-Dumbles team."

"The anti-Dumbles team?" Sprout repeated, exchanging a baffled look with Sinistra.

"Harry's the one who named it that, ask him," Severus said, rubbing his eyes.

So she did, stopping him in the corridor the next time she saw him.

"Severus told me you came up with the anti-Dumbles team, is that correct?"

"Yep. Why?" He gave her a sweet little smile.

A smile that made him look very much like James when he denied knowing why Sirius' hair had suddenly become lime green. "Just checking."

Harry shrugged. "Not as bad as Albus Severus Potter."

Sprout coughed. "I'm sorry?"

"Nothing. Bye!" Harry ran away.

Sprout stared after him for a long moment. "Albus Severus...?" Maybe she should reconsider McGonagall's offer of retirement.

Tom made another visit to Hogwarts during Easter holiday. He and Harry spent the morning out by the lake, talking about nothing of great importance.

"I stopped by the twins' shop yesterday," Tom said.

"Oh? How are they faring?"

"As well as they can be given the circumstances. They stopped selling this powder that creates darkness, but they still have some stored in the back."

"Well, I suppose they don't want to let it go to waste," Harry said, watching the surface of the lake ripple with the breeze.

"George kept asking me about Remus, Sirius, and Severus. 'So is it Professor Lupin-Snape-Black? Snape-Lupin-Black?' Or something like that."

Harry snorted. "And what did you tell them?"

"What do you think?" Tom said. "Said they go by Smith now. I'm pretty sure they were writing a letter when I was leaving."

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