Yuno noticed Tina shaking violently as she was holding back her tears. Even though she said she loved her new eye, Tina was still a bit self-conscious about it. "Leave her alone!" Yuno yelled at them.

"Look at that, the beast's got a couple boyfriends," another wife mocked.

The first man laughed while pushing Asta to the ground. The third man grabbed Yuno and yanked him away while two of the wives pulled Tina towards them. Tina started to struggle to free herself but the second man grabbed the back of Tina's shirt and hauled her up.

"Hey, let me go!" she shouted as she started to kick around.

The second man was still laughing. "Oh, the beast does speak." Asta and Yuno's eyes widened when the first wife punched Tina. The wind was knocked out of the girl's lungs, which caused her to go into a coughing fit. "Look at that, she even sounds like one."

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Asta yelled. He got up and ran towards the man holding Tina but the first man pushed Asta to the ground. The man proceeded by placing his foot over Asta's chest so the boy wouldn't get up. "GET OFF ME, YOU GIANT!"

Yuno opened his mouth to shout at them. Plea to let Tina go. But the third guy gripped Yuno's arm a bit tighter.

"You got something to say?" he taunted. "You going to defend your little girlfriend?"

"Like another could love a monster like that," the second wife said. "She can't even defend herself." She walked over to Yuno. "Let's watch her cry while we beat her friends."


Yuno's head jerked the other way. The wives started to laugh while Tina stood frozen. Her eyes widened as her mouth opened.

"Yuno!" Tina and Asta screamed as the third wife kicked him.

"Shut up," the second sneered before wrapping his hand around Tina's throat.

Tina's hands reached up and wrapped themself around the man's wrist and tried to pry them off. She watched in horror as the group continued to laugh at their misery.

Why? she thought. We didn't do anything to them. We were just having fun. We did nothing wrong. The men and their wives kept laughing while Tina's vision started to blurry. Her blood started to boil at her thoughts.

"We're about to rid the world of a beast," the third wife laughed.

"You bullies," Tina choked out. The group looked at her and saw her eyes filled with so much hatred. With the look she's giving them, they would all be dead. But that's what wasn't what caught their attention. It was the dark aura that glowed around the girl. Her eyes basically went dark for just a second before returning to normal. "You're nothing but a bunch of bullies!"

Tina kicked out to the man's wrist. He winced as his grip loosened a bit. Tina brought her head down and bit the man on his hand...hard. The man started to scream as Tina bit him harder. It was enough to draw blood but she refused to let go. The man threw his arm out and tried to shake Tina off.

"Hey, get this kid off me!" the second kid shouted. The first and third man released Asta and Yuno before they, along with the wives, went running towards their friend.

Tina kept her grip and ignored the metallic taste in her mouth. The wives grabbed the girl and pulled her while the men tried to yank their friend away. The wives realized Tina wasn't gonna go anytime soon and began pulling on her hair, slapping the back of her head, and continued to hit her.

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