Steve and Karin's Walk

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You should know what harvester is before reading this, but it can stand on its own i think. its jsut a story about the lads going for a walk

I was ripe with anticipation, I had my application in and I could barely sleep a wink last night. I hoped they'd accept it, kinda weird that it was as easy as filing a paper, I just figured there'd be more. The cloaked man, who Mrs. Phelps told me was the "Sergeant at Arms" (whatever that means) told me I needed to follow up today, so I guess there is more. After giving up some bloody sneakers and an old newspaper, I headed to the Lodge. stepping inside of the "lobby" I approached him. rarely seeing him change expression, I wondered if he even knew I was there. I opened my mouth to speak only to hear his rumbling voice in my brain. I won't ever get used to it, he was talking into my mind, I don't know how the hell he did it, but maybe I'll learn how when I become part of the order. Well, if  I become apart of the order, that is.

Being told I was to scratch Mr.Johnson's tucker was... odd. it wasn't anything super hard, I just thought it'd be.. something else. I was suspecting i had to.. y'know, sacrifice an animal or two. I'm sure the Meat Plant could do without a few of those cats. I wouldn't want to do anything like that of course, hell, I don't think I could ever bring myself to kill something. I'm actually glad it wasn't anything like that. I had those internal thoughts while I walked up to Mr. Johnson's place, surveying it. Out front was a shiny red Tucker 48 (god was she beautiful), I saw Johnson at his front door, struggling to pull a plastic chair through the frame. My breath hitched and my legs trembled slightly, he hadn't seen me yet, I could run and do it right now.. I took a few silent steps and almost jumped out of my skin when Mr. Johnson called out to me. Dammit, that might have been my only chance. "Hiya there Steve! how's it going there young bachelor?" He dislodged the chair from the frame and carried it out to the driveway. Setting it down a few feet from me, all while I stood and stared, recovering from the scare. He took a seat "so? how are ya? visit Stephanie at all last night? The back of the tucker's still up for grabs, we've got fine views around Harvest, though I'm sure you wont be interested in any of that while you're at it with Stephanie, wink wink." Now that I've actually met Stephanie, his comments were all the more creepy. I could see why Edna wasn't so fond of him "I'll.. think about it. Hang on, are those.. blood tracks?" I could see the light grey concrete had two patterned stripes of red down it. "oh yeah, don't worry about it. It's supposed to rain later, or I'll hose it down, there's always rats coming up from the sewers into my garage, guess some of them forgot how to run." Yuck. Hm. That sewer over there must be connected to Mr. Johnson's garage, or, fortress, as he calls it."That's.. nice" I tried to think of some way to excuse myself, then I remembered something I had found. evidence that the Sheriff had been blackmailing the Postmaster. I had already gotten what i needed with it. I pulled the paper out of my satchel (No, it's not a purse. and no Mr. Pottsdam, I'm not gonna become some flaming fireman. He actually asked me that yesterday. It's a damn satchel. No need to get worked up about the meat. not like I'll become a butcher either, bet he'd butcher me if he found that out.) I handed him my photocopy. He read the figures, eyes widening, "That crook Duane Dwayne is blackmailing Boyle! This is big! You've gotta take this to Mr. McKnight at WHAR! or better yet, let's go show Edna! She'll see how horrible that Sheriff really is!" He shot up, giving me my photocopy back. He beckoned me over to his tucker. I was about to head over to DNA's anyway, so I slid into the passenger seat

After more uncomfortable remarks about Stephanie, I was more than eager to get out. Waltzing inside, we saw no Sheriff. Thank god, he made me on edge, he sure made Mr. Johnson on edge too. But it seemed he forgot all about the blackmail when he went up and sat on the bar stool, leering at Edna. I gave her an apologetic look. Mr. Johnson made an obscene comment to her, right in front of Karin. And like kids do, she repeated the word she didn't know "bosom.. bossssomm... mommy what's bosom mean :)" Karin asked, very politely. Mr. Johnson got a kick out of it, "oh Edna, isn't it time she's learned about nipples and all that?" Edna seemed to very much dislike the men of this town. the sheriff was alright to her, along with Colonel Monroe, though she had told me they had only talked a few times, she said every Monday she'd drive over to the missile base with some coffee for him, and have a very short chat. Apparently he never ogled her or tried to flirt or anything, so she wished she could talk to him more. "Steve!" it seemed to come out a little louder than Edna expected. When she had my attention, she sighed "can you.. take Karin out? Just walk her around. And try to avoid the wasp woman's house, will you?" I understood, Karin definitely didn't need to learn about how Edna needs a 'stiff penis' in her life, or whatever type of crap Mr. Johnson says, she was only an 8 year old. "oh, of course" I beckoned Karin over, taking her hand and walking out. I wasn't really sure what we could do.

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