Shattered Hearts and broken promises.

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I need to get over Five, it's just never going to happen.

I thought as I ate my food with a blank expression on my face.

I felt the nag that you get when someone is staring at you, and I looked up only to find Five staring at me with that smirk of his.

It looked as if he was trying to figure something out and did it while loking at me.

Now anybody else might feel awkward but instead I felt heat at my cheeks.

I know what you're thinking. (WOW! You guys have an argument and literally two minutes later your blushing because he's staring at you.) But to be honest, this isn't the first time we've had an argument and we've made up two seconds later. I realized that this wasn't something I could forget about as easily as I do when we bicker about what we usually do. 'Why didn't you knock?' 'Look, you made a comment you know I wouldn't like, but you said it anyways'. You know stuff like that.

"But this is time travel were talking about! He was just planning on teleporting out without telling anyone. Most of all, it hurt about what he said about me. Does he really think I'm like that?"

"Of course he does! Look at you, anyone would agree."   That's that little voice in my head I like, (More like hate) to call Trin.  But we'll talk more about her later.

I stepped out of my trance as I felt a soft kick at my leg under the table. I look up to find the leg belonging to Five. He left out a soft chuckle that was meant for me, and only me to hear. Once again the blush creeps back up onto my cheeks and that weird sensation in my stomach.

What? You can't blame me, I mean look at him!

Those emerald green pools, called eye's.

His perfect, perfect hair.

His adorable dimple.

That smirk I've learned to love.

A jawline that looked like it could cut diamonds.

"Maybe if you looked prettier, he might learn to love you."

"You know we look exactly the same, right?"

"I wasn't talking to you."

I thought, wait-.

" You can't like him!"

"Why not? I'm you!"

She's not wrong. I snap out of my trance. only to find my hair color look like Trin's. I stare at it confused... What?

A knife in the table.

(I'm going to skip to the part where he walks out.)

"Number Five! Get back here this instant! You have not been excused!"

I stood up running. I heard them yelling my name in the distant but I paid no attention to it.

"Wait Five!" "Number Zero!" "Five!"

Five turned around to me, but as soon as he looked into my eye's, my eyes turned blue. My clothes changed and everything. Trin.

"Five wait, don't go. Please. Okay? I'm sorry. For everything I said. I'm so sorry. Just please don't go, don't leave me."

Trin hasn't fully formed yet, but she was getting pretty close.

"Look Y/N. I love you okay? I do, so much. But I have to do this."

"Take me with you."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because! I'm done bringing you into my messes. Getting you hurt. I don't know what I would do with myself if I did."

"Please don't leave me, Five." By this point tears were threatening to fall out. Some escaped.

"I'm sorry"


"I Love you."

"I love you too, but please."

"I'll some back to you as soon as possible okay?"

I didn't give an answer just a bone crushing hug.

"Goodbye Five."


And with that he left. My heart broke. I felt numb. He'll never know what I really meant when I said I love you. He promised, he's come back. It's been 17 years. He left me here.

Next think I knew. Trin engulfed me and all I saw was black and fell into unconsciousness to Trin's laugh.

Bum, bum, bum. What? Read more to find out.


Loving Can Hurt, Five Hargreeves x reader.Where stories live. Discover now