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i woke up to gus sitting on the side of the best shaking. i heard soft sobs cone from him and i rushed to his side. i didn't ask any questions, i just held him while he cried on me. i figured if he wanted to tell me what happened he'd tell me when he calmed down. he looked up at me and he looked so completely broken.

"my mom had a heart attack." he said. his voice barely came out but i felt my heart ache.

"is she okay?!" i asked.

"she's in the hospital. the doctor said she's going to be okay but she needs someone to be there with her." he said.

"well let's go!" i said.

"the tour maeve.." he mumbled.

"gus i know you don't want to disappoint your fans but this is more important right now. cancel the rest of the tour dates and tell your fans what's going on and i'm sure they'll understand. baby your mom needs you." i said.

"let's just go live." he said.

"if that's what you wanna do." i said kissing his cheek.

he started the live and people poured in. asking why he looks like he's been crying and instantly attacking me.

"i have some bad news." gus said sadly.

"momma had a heart attack and i won't be able to finish the tour. i'm going back home to take care of her for a while. i hope you guys aren't pissed off at me." he said. i wiped the tear that fell from his eye.

the comments flooded with 'we're not mad' and 'take care of momma peep'. i smiled at the support they gave him. he stayed on live and told everyone he would work on giving their money back to them for the shows. after a while he ended the live and lied on my chest.

"i'm so worried about her mae." he said.

"let's get the next flight out there gus. it's gonna be okay." i said rubbing his back.

he booked him and i the next flight out and we started packing our things. one by one the whole group came back and gave gus a big hug. gus was so heartbroken but once we got to his mom i knew he'd be okay.

the whole flight and car ride there gus was just anxious. his whole being was shaking and my heart hurt for him. i could never imagine this feeling. the feeling of almost losing your biggest supporter. your role model. your mother.

when we got to the hospital gus almost dragged me to her room. he gave her the biggest hug he could while she was in the hospital bed and started crying. i stood there shyly until gus finally released his mom. i didn't realize that this would be the first time i'm meeting her until now. i hated that this was how we were going to meet.

"gus i think you have someone to introduce me to." she said weakly.

"oh uh yea, momma this is my girlfriend maeve, maeve this is my momma." he said.

"hi maeve. i'm sorry we're meeting for the first time under these circumstances." she said, holding her arms out for a hug.

"it's so nice to finally meet you. gus always talks about you." i said while hugging her.

"he's always been the biggest mommas boy." she said smiling up at gus.

we talked for a little before the doctor came in. he prescribed her some meds and told her that she needed to have someone there to help her for a while. the doctor talked to gus about what he could do to help and what would be best for her.

after all that he had gus and his mom sign the discharge papers and i took them back to her house. gus was so worried about her. he was now being a helicopter parent to her. she kept telling him she was going to be okay but he insisted to do everything for her.

"so maeve, gus tells me you're an artist." she said with a smile on her face.

"i am." i said

"well don't be shy, show me some of your work. i was looking for some art to put in my house the other day actually." she said.

i showed her some of my art and somehow we got into talking about my parents. i told her how everything went down with them meeting gus and she wasn't happy. i didn't expect her to be happy about it either. that's her baby.

"listen honey i can see how much you love my son. going against what your parents want for you is always hard but you're part of my family now. i will always support you just as much as i support gus. follow your dreams maeve because right now is better than waiting your whole life. if you love art then pursue it, your parents will eventually accept that this is what you chose for you." she said and i started crying. she hugged me until i finished crying.

"thank you liza. you really don't know how much i needed to hear that." i said, wiping my tears from my face.

"of course hun. it's the least i could do for you making my son so happy. he came and visited a while back and he looked horrible. he looked completely dead inside and i was so worried about him. he told me everything that happened and i told him if he loved you that much he should grow a pair and show you. i hope that bachelor rockstar mindset of his has changed because i can see how good you are for him."

"i love him so much liza. i am planning a future with him in my mind and i really hope it all plays out how i'm seeing it. he's a pain in the ass but i really want forever with him." i said and a tear fell from her eye.

"i've been so worried about him maeve. i know he has people out there that look after him but he's still my baby. after he ended up in the hospital i was so stressed about him being alone. please look after him maeve. please make sure he leaves the pills alone because i'm sick just thinking about losing my peep." she said, now she was bawling.

"liza i promise i won't let anything happen to him." it was now my turn to hug her until she was finished crying.

she genuinely felt like a mother i never got to have. even though my mother was present she wasn't a true mother figure to me. she didn't let me vent to her about stupid boys or teach me about periods or let me talk to her about drama. it was always her yelling because my grades or my room or something. i'm so happy to have someone in my life that can give me motherly advice.


authors note:

hey guys so sorry these updates are so slow. i'm going through really bad writing block and my brain has been running a bit slow. i'm trying to get updates out as fast as possible but i refuse to just plop shitty chapters out. i hope u guys understand. thank you for reading. i love you all<3

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