You locked the front door on your way out. The door looked old and dirty, it had age to it. The door seemed to be not as white as it used to be but you wouldn't know. You dreaded the moment you'd step into your new work place. You were supposed to be interviewed tomorrow as your 5th job you've ever had.

The concrete path below you was cracked and split, it hurt your feet a little bit. You had just moved into Haddonfield, Illinois, the seemingly quiet town.

The leaves were turning red and yellow, just the way you liked it. You only moved there because the town was small but not too small. Just the way you liked it. 'I hope I don't screw shit up tomorrow...that would be the end of me. I'd probably have to work at the grocery store or wouldn't be bad but just...boring'. Heading down to where the town square was.

You continued walking down the street but the thought of someone following you filled your thoughts. 'Would someone really follow me? In a town like this? wouldn't hurt to be a little bit paranoid'. You turned your head to the right, just houses. You looked to the left and across the street you saw an odd girl.

She had blonde hair, posture seemed tired. 'Maybe she's a student'. And as you turned your head back to in front of you you saw a man wearing a mask. You stopped almost immediately. He was average height, you both were almost at eye level. "Sorry sir, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.", You stared into his eyes for a bit. He stepped aside to the right and you nodded your head in acknowledgement and walked past.

'Did he know halloween was not until later tonight? Quite odd but maybe that was a normal occurrence...'. You frowned, he gave you a bad feeling. Looking behind you once more you saw he was staring at you, all while keeping pace with the girl across the street.

This definately didn't feel right, was he gonna kidnap her? Murder her? Questions flooded your mind as you spaced out. Soon enough you found yourself on the ground, you had tripped, 'damn sidewalk'.

The girl seemed to notice and rushed across the street, her hair bouncing along with her steps. "Are you alright?", She seemed concerned. You felt awkward, "Yes I'm fine, I guess I tripped. Thank you for asking though.". She nodded, "It's no problem.", She had held out her hand for you to take, in which you had accepted.

"Thank you...again", you both awkwardly giggled. "I'm Laurie Strode, you must be new in town?", You smiled and nodded. "Yup, I came from Iowa to find myself a job", She smiled as well. "Oh and before I forget to tell you, my name is [Y/n], it's a pleasure to meet you Laurie."

[This is just a sample chapter, it is based off of 1978 John Carpenter's Halloween, give me some criticism and what not and I'll try and improve on my writing]

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