
Everyone eventually dispersed whereas some were still idle reclining on their chairs due to full stomachs, including Muzi, Betso and some of the kids. Some went upstairs to the bedrooms. Texting around the table is prohibited so they obviously couldn't wait to go back to their own lives. Most of the community members had their take-aways in abundance and left for their respective homes. When the very last one made their exit, the guards pulled the gates closed, declaring normal,everyday proceedings.

One guard walked into the house, humbly greeted the royals and asked for MQ. Muzi gestured with his head to direct the guard to Manqoba who was now slowly walking down the stairs, paying attention to his phone screen. The guard took two steps to get closer to him, humbly greeted and reported that there's two men and a woman at the gate demanding to see the chief. Manqoba asked what it might be about and the guard uncomfortably stated that they are here to report a pregnancy. He added that the young girl was in the car. He went even further to alert the chief on how furious the men appeared to be. Muzi's eyes fell on Betso, who was also anxiously looking at him for answers with her forehead furrowed. Manqoba thanked the guard, told him to let them in and looked at Muzi. Muzi exhaled deeply and told Lwandile to go call Melokuhle.
"Are you sure that the one you're sending away is innocent?", Manqoba asked.
"True. Melo might be staying here full time but these two also visit, a lot", Betso stated.
"Wanna bet?", Muzi said to the both of them with his eyebrows furiously raised. The look on Melo's face when he came down declared that Lwandile had already spilt the tea. Mxolisi was behind him. He finally reached the last step on the staircase and bit his lower lip.
"Are condoms a foreign concept to you?", Muzi sneered.
"Ha-ah baba you don't know for sure that--", Betso tried to defend.
"I was reckless. I'm sorry", Melokuhle confessed and Betso dropped back to her chair in defeat.
"That's all you have to say for yourself?", Manqoba calmly reproached.
"Why do you get high off being irresponsible?! Wena no Mxolisi ngathi--", Muzi lashed out and Mxo defended himself from his chair.
"Haibo! Ngimithise bani manje mina?!"(Now who did I impregnate?!)
"Nobody, yet!", Muzi shot out.
"Crucify me I am your messiah", he mumbled to himself and Betso stopped Muzi from lashing out some more by putting her palm on his chest. The guests walked in, led by the guard. They humbly greeted and Manqoba told the kids to scoot out. He instructed that they go find aunt Hlengiwe outside. The girl was timidly standing behind her mother, soaked in tears. Melo tried to comfort her but they all bit his head off.



Manqoba walked the guests out after they had come to a conclusion and reached common ground. When they left, Melo was called back into the living room. He dragged his flops till he was seated on the couch opposite that of Muzi. He avoided making eye contact with his father, whose eyes were not about to move from him anytime soon. Manqoba asked that everyone excuses the two and they abided. Muzi has never laid a hand on any of his kids before but Melo was somehow sure that he was going to get a beating from him.
"Was I talking to your shadow when I taught you how to use a condom a condom Makhosonke?", Muzi tried his best to keep his burning chest from erupting.
"I'm sorry", Melo whispered.
"Unless if your sorry can be used as a currency to raise the baby you made, please shut the fxck up!", he spat the worse without remorse. Melo bent his speechless lip and kept his eyes on the floor.
"I asked you a question!"
"No. You were not talking to my shadow"
"Were you listening?"
"What was the very first thing I said?", he asked and Melo swallowed before he could answer.
"You said... You said I shouldn't rip the wrapper with my teeth"
"Why is that?"
"You said it might damage it and I wouldn't see"
"So in your fear of damaging the wrapper, you decided not to touch it altogether?"
"Hayi baba", Melo impatiently fell back on the couch.
"How do you plan on raising this child?", Muzi questioned.
"It's not rocket science", Melo blurted out and Muzi scoffed.
"Okay Einstein. I hope the two of you are not planning something stupid like aborting the baby. I'd break your face uyangizwa?"
"Why would you think that dad? I'm not that careless. You taught me better than that!"
"Well I also taught you how to use protection but here we are now", Muzi said and Melo threw his tightened eyes to the side.

RAGE IN ROYALTY (BOOK 2 OF GUGULETHU)Where stories live. Discover now