"Why does Rachel need to be punished?" Camila asks Santana quietly.

Santana snorts. "Just ignore her. It's what I do."

Still trying to calm Rachel down, Will shrugs. "I think you're being irrational."

"I think you're being unfair."

"I think you're being unfair to Tina, who might've been happy about getting her first solo."

Everyone looks over at Tina who smiles and nods slightly.

Rachel glances at her for a moment before continuing her argument. "Tina knows how much I respect her, and I think she would agree with me that she's not ready for such an iconic role as Maria."

"Wait." Mercedes' voice cuts through the room and everyone turns towards her. "I'm a Jet?"

Rachel slams her papers down on top of the piano, storming out of the room and slamming the door shut.

Artie shrugs. "The more times she storms out of rehearsal, the less impact it has."

Will lets out a breath, smiling at Tina. "Congratulations, Tina." He nods to himself. "This is going well."


Camila lets out a quiet yawn, blinking quickly to stay awake as she looks over her study guide for what seems like the hundredth time that night. She drops her pencil, running her hands through her hair exasperatedly, not really sure how to cram any more knowledge into her brain.

The doorbell rings and the girl jumps, not expecting anyone. She turns on her phone, trying to see if she missed any calls or texts that could explain the visitor, but she didn't have any notifications. She walks up to the door, opening it and getting ready to greet the person, but when she sees Quinn on the other side, she freezes.

"C- Can I come in?" The blonde asks, her eyes red as tears stream down her cheeks.

"Yeah, of course, Quinny." Camila pulls the girl into her house, shutting the door behind her. "What's going on? Why didn't you let me know you were coming over."

A sob escapes the girl as she sits down on the couch. "I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go."

Camila sits down beside her, wrapping her arms around her and bringing her in so she sobbed against her chest. "You're allowed to come over whenever you want, I promise."

The two Cheerios sit there quietly for a few minutes, Quinn trying desperately to stop crying while Camila just cradled her head with one hand and rubbed her back with the other.

"I'm pregnant."

The second Quinn says it, she breaks down into another set of sobs. Camila freezes up, repeating the words in her head over and over again. She knows that Quinn having an abortion wasn't even close to a thought in the blonde's brain so she just holds her tighter.

Camila lets out a breath, the reality of the situation finally setting in. "Okay." She pulls her friend away from her, cupping her cheeks, and gently removes any tears on her face. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do. You're going to text your mom or your dad and tell them that you're sleeping over. While you do that, I'm going to make you some tea." Quinn doesn't answer at first, sniffling, so Camila continues. "Okay?"

"Yeah." She nods.

The shorter of the two purses her lips determinedly before getting up and quickly heading towards her kitchen. She fills up the kettle with water, putting it on the stove and turning it on. Camila leans back against the kitchen counter, trying to figure out what exactly she was going to do. All she did know was that she was going to help Quinn, no matter what.

High pitched screeching brings the Latina from her thoughts and she pours the water into two mugs before putting a tea bag in each. She sighs softly, grabbing the mugs and making her way back to the couch. Quinn sits there with her arms wrapped around herself and she looks up when Camila makes her way back. The Latina places the cups on the table, walking around the other side so she can gather the papers and books she had laying out while she was studying.

Quinn shakes her head. "I'm so sorry. I should've called or- or texted, but I just needed to talk to someone before I completely lost it and-"

"Quinn." Camila cuts her off, sitting cross-legged on the couch next to her. "Look at me. I love you, okay? You can come over whenever you want."

The blonde nods, wrapping both hands around the mug that she was brought. "I can't tell anyone else." She says, looking at the drink in her hands. "I love Britt and Santana, don't get me wrong, I just know that they'll tell people."

Camila smiles. "Thanks for telling me, Quinny. Is... Is Finn the dad?"

She swallows harshly. "I- yes. I just don't know how to tell him. I'm so scared, Mila."

"I know, hun, but you've got to tell him. Finn's a good guy. He's gonna help you out, okay?"

Quinn nods and Camila watches as she relaxes a bit. "You're right. I'll tell him tomorrow."

"Deal. If you need my help, get me at any time, alright?" Camila gets comfortable, grabbing a big blanket that she had folded over the edge of the couch and throwing it over the two of them. "Let's watch The Notebook!" She exclaims cheerfully, grabbing her own mug.

The head cheerleader lets out out a shocked laugh.

"What? So what if you're pregnant, The Notebook is still a great movie."

Quinn laughs quietly, shaking her head and shifting her position on the couch so she can get under the blanket and see the tv. "Thanks for being here." She says quietly, a smile on her face that she reserved for her friends and Finn.

Camila nudges her softly, giggling. "You're the one that basically adopted me as soon as I joined the Cheerios."

"I really didn't have a choice. You just kind of shoved your way into my life."

"In a good way, right?"

Quinn shrugs, forcing herself to keep her face blank until Camila pouts and scoots away from her. She chuckles at the Latina and nods. "I'm just kidding, of course in a good way."

"That's what I thought."

Camila shoots her one last smile before increasing the volume on the tv and paying her full attention to the movie on the screen. Quinn lets out a breath that she honestly didn't even know she was holding when she realizes that Camila isn't going to judge her at all. 

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