His daughter’s confession left Debraj baffled for once. He wondered from where his daughter brought so many inhibitions in her mind. He smiled and said, “Anu, you remember when you were leaving this house and going to Kolkata for your studies, you said Papa, I don’t think I will be able to do this. Do you remember what I said?”

Anvesha smiled as realization hit her. She smiled as she wiped her tears and answered, “Papa, you said that when I was a toddler, I tried to stand leaning on the table and fell down with a thud but that did not stop me from learning to walk. You said that being a big girl, I had to grab opportunities to pave my way and fulfill my dreams.”

Debraj grinned as a wave of nostalgia hit him. Controlling his unshed tears, he said, “Anu, you know, a woman is the most powerful creature. She can do anything. She can manage everything. She can slog at work and happily sacrifice her sleep for the sake of her family, her kids, her parents and her husband.”

The old man took a deep breath as his daughter smiled confidently listening to her father. Debraj continued, “I don’t mean to say that a man cannot do that but a woman being tender at heart, is strong to take all the blows in her life. A woman is the one who nourishes a child and gives birth to the baby. You are a woman, my daughter, Anu. Why do you think you are any less than all those great women out there?”

Anvesha took a deep breath and smiled with newly found determination as she said, “Papa, I thought things would fall apart if I will handle them. Trust me, I will embrace the new chapter of marriage soon”.

Her father smiled as he gave his last advice to his daughter, “Anu, if things will fall apart, Adhyayan will be there to help you to collect all those fallen pieces of life. A relationship is about complementing each other. It is about helping each other in their ups and downs.”

Anvesha just smiled as she thought, Adhyayan was truly a gem in her life. Before she could speak anything, her father concluded, “Anu, you know we learn to live our lives when life brings challenges for us. When circumstances of life test our abilities, we tend to evolve into a better person. Marriage would surely be a challenge, but I want you to make it a memorable chapter of your life.”

Anvesha smiled as she nodded despite knowing that she was talking to her father on phone and he could not see her. She said, “Papa, I will embrace this challenge too”.

Debraj was not done yet. He smiled as he was successful in decimating the inhibitions of his daughter. He continued, “I want my daughter to evolve into the best version of herself. Don’t stop yourself, Anu. I never taught you to set your limits, dear and you made me proud. Ms. Anvesha Chatterjee is one of the sought-after journalist. Don’t set your limits now.”

Anvesha smiled as her father complimented her. With tears of happiness, she said, “Papa, thank you so much. I will not set my limits. I am ready to get married.”

Before Debraj Chatterjee could react, Anvesha bombarded him with another question, “Who the idiot is Abhay, papa?”

The old man chuckled as he said, “Abhay is someone you should be thankful to, Anu. After all, he tried to remind you that your old parents want you to get married at the age of twenty nine.”

Anvesha sighed as she said, “Papa, you lied”, giving a tight-lipped smile to no one in particular.

“Are you ready to get married to Adhyayan or should I find some, Abhay, Tanmay, Ajay or Vijay for you?” Debraj Chatterjee said in a light-hearted tone gazing the stars. He felt happy as he knew that his daughter would be ready to dive in the episode of marriage too. Being an elderly man with experience of life, he could understand the turmoil of the Joshis who had waited for the happy news since long.

“I will marry Adhyayan and only him”, Anvesha said smilingly to which Debraj chuckled as he said, “Tell him, Anu”. Mumbling a ‘good night’, he disconnected the phone and Anvesha knew what she had to do next.


Hi everyone

I wrote this chapter in hurry and it is not edited. Feel free to point out errors, if any 😉

This is what my friend told me about the psychological case, he came across. The girl is having her own inhibitions to plunge into married life so she, along with her fiancee are consulting the psychologist, a relationship expert (a senior friend of my friend) 😅

harshita4289 this is the whole story which i tried to cover in two chapters 😍

According to me, everyone has their own set of inhibitions. Getting married is one-time gamble! 😂

For a modern woman, it is really difficult to manage everything but still everyone does it which is commendable! 💖

Enough of preachings,
I will be back soon till then shower your love on this story with your valuable votes and lovely comments 😍😍😍😍

With love

Rainbow of our Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora