Jeez someone stole her bike, that's fucked.

He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, "jesus" he murmured . He looked back at me, looking into my eyes for a few seconds before playing it off by scratching the tip of his nose, "We can't go to my house." He said in a frantic tone this time. I shrugged, I wasn't planning on it. I was originally planning to show up at his house then head to my place.

"Okay, my place then, how'd you get here? I'm on bike"

He looked at the wrack, "I took my bike today" he muttered. "It's next to the blue one."

His was in the same style as mine but red. Connor looked at both of us and slowly a waved a goodbye. I smiled at him and walked to my bike, hearing Harrys footsteps behind my own. I pulled the bike out, he followed next. "It's baby blue, by the way." I mutter. He shook his head, getting on the bike.

"Same thing." He rolled up next to me, I scoffed and started to pedal. He followed next to me.

We exited the school and started down the road. "It really isn't, I would think a photographer would know his colors." I stood on the bike pedals to add more force. I looked to the side thinking I left him in the dust but he was still right next to me, in the same pose.

"Well it's actually tiffany blue, wouldn't I sound ridiculous if I pointed that out?" He asked with attitude. I shook my head. Not wanting to laugh. "If we actually do this project we have to do it at your house, my house is very occupied." He changes the topic.

"Yeah but you can't stay later than 7, we're a block away by the way." I stood up and leaned toward to move faster. "Race?" I asked trying to be friendly. I knew he could out bike me from the way he effortlessly kept with my pace.

He leaned forward to catch up to me, "No thanks" He said as soon as we were at the same pace. That was embarrassing. I instantly felt insecure. I was just trying to break the ice.

I awkwardly chuckled, we started downhill, the satisfying fishing rod sound rang in my ears. "No, yeah... it's cool" I kept my eyes on the pavement, maybe I should throw myself off the bike to save myself from this embarrassment. The ground leveled, my small home was just ahead. I slowed the pace down, my brick house even closer. "We're here, um please put your bike in the back, I don't want any neighbors telling my father someone was here." I stepped off, readjusting my book bag. He silently got off his red bike, we both pushed our bikes to the back of the home.

I quickly moved my way to the back door, knowing he would follow. "Kitchen." I pointed awkwardly, who told me I had to give him a house tour. There's no turning back now. "Bathroom, living room."

We kept walking, "This is where we're going to be when we work on the project, I opened my bedroom door, feeling embarrassed by the way it was decorated. I bit my lip in nervousness, quickly glancing up at him, he had a blank stare.

My desk was a soft green color with a light pink chair. My bedding was pink and filled with my weird collection of stuffed animals. I widened my eyes when
I looked up at my shelves.

My shelves filled with old porcelain dolls.

He probably thinks i'm a maniac.

"Dolls." Is all he says.

Maybe if I shut my eyes hard he'd disappear and I could take down all of my weird shit. "Yeah, I like collecting things." Is all my stupid brain could say.

"Your room proved every assumption i've made about you." He simply states before sitting on the chair near my bed, he swings his bag to his lap sliding his laptop out. I quickly realized I was still standing by the door, I hurried to my desk.

"What assumptions?"

"Well when you got angry for criticizing your work I knew your work probably overtakes all aspects of your life. Your room looks likes a room you would write a weird poem about."

I furrowed my eyebrows, he caught onto my expression, further explaining "Light and girly. There was plenty of romance in the 4 pages I read, so I guess I was right, especially coming here."

"Is there an issue?" I snapped, defending my style. He was right, I wrote about the things I liked. I liked love and I liked girly things. I really was like other girls. I must admit, I liked pretty boys and pretty girls, getting my nails done and having a girly room. There was nothing wrong with that to me, I know myself. I know my worth and I know what I like.

"Of course there is but do I have a choice, no I don't. So tell me what you have brainstormed." He answers quickly, attitude apparent in his tone. I shook my head in annoyance at the first few words.

"I want to make my short story "Black Print" into an entire book. It'll be easier for both of us, we would need a model for the images." I grab my notebook, I liked to hand write most of the time which makes it difficult when I want to submit something for a contest.

"It would save us time if you posed. What genre would you say?" He handed over his laptop to me, there were 12 more photos than what I had seen in his portfolio. I traded off my handing an outline of the story that I had made last weekend.

He read aloud, "Darla once heard that everything in life is crucial in your journey to find your soulmate. On the day she turned 18, black footprints popped up everywhere she went, were these clues apart of her journey to something she had dreaming of?" He sighed. "This is corny."

I rolled my eyes, "Take it or leave it. If you leave it I expect a concept my thursday."

He let out a sigh, "whatever, can I leave now?"

I widened my eyes, he truly had to no reason to be here, I just needed to speak to him. If I began to write he'd just be here, useless because he couldn't photograph anything if I don't have pen on paper. "I mean I guess you can, I'll have half a chapter done by friday, could you come then. So I guess you could take photos of me." I rushed my words, this was embarrassing.

"Good." Is all he said before he walked to me, shutting the laptop that sat on my lap, his slender fingers grazing my bare legs. A shiver ran down my spine at the quick touch, his finger so cold compared to my warm body. He walked away with no reaction placing his laptop in its proper bag. His phone ringing during the process. He stopped, placing his bag on my bed, the impact causing a hello kitty plush to tip over.

"Hello? What is it Lilith?" He leaned on my closet door, "I'm about to leave. Are you serious? Bloody hell." His annoyed tone, this boy should smile sometime. "Fine. I'll see you then" The line went dead.

I pressed my lips together, standing to pick up my plush, placing her down where she belongs. Harry watched me attentively. Why isn't he leaving?

"Lilith told me to bring you to a football game today, American football. We're all heading there so she wants you there." He fumbled over his words. I stood up straight, surprised by the fact that our school had an american football team.

"Our school has an am-"

"It originally was a private club sport but our school adapted to it, so had a few in the area now are you really going to wear that to the game?"

I looked down at my nike shoes and floral dress. I shrugged, there's nothing wrong with what I was wearing. "Yes."

He sighed. Walking out my room door, I followed behind him.

here is aaliyahs outfit, minus the cardiganvote n comment - Mari <3

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here is aaliyahs outfit, minus the cardigan
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- Mari <3

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