Kau, Nudes and Repentence

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So, this morning, I saja bangun lambat. Bersiap lambat ke kerja. Then sambil bermalas-malasan atas katil, I bukak Instagram Fynn Jamal. I suka baca apa yang dibincangkan dalam ruangan itu. So one of the topic discussed today adalah girls yang dah terlanjur bagi nudes and then the nudes was used as a blackmail tools.

So, this things is so close to my heart for some reasons. I pernah involve in this kind of case and I tried my best to solve it. So there is this one young girl in her early 20s. She falled in love with someone online, and the guy seems okay at first. Because the guy pung pang pung pang talked about agama but behind everyone, he was just someone yang menagih nudes from girls.

I used "was" sebab past tense. I hope he changed lah. So this guy asked for nudes from this girl. And sebab sayang, the girl bagi nudes. She's thinking that by doing so, the guy akan makin sayang dia and won't leave her forever.

Stupid? Yes. But then, we never know the true struggle that the girl face. Maybe dia tak cukup kasih sayang kat rumah until dia kena cari kasih sayang di luar rumah. We never know. So don't judge.

Okay back to the story, after a while, they broke up. And the girl of course sedih gila. And the guy macam cuba pujuk but the girl don't want to listen and refuse to entertain the guy. The guy get mad and started to blackmail the girl. Nak sebar nudes. Especially to her mother.

As a normal human being, the girl started to get scared. Mula ikut cakap lelaki tu. Lelaki tu maki ke apa ke, terima je. Telan, telan, telan. Until the girl started to get depressed and have to seek medical help. The girl tak tahu nak buat apa.

And that time, she decided to admit her mistake. To own the mistake and take responsibility for the mistake. So she repent. Taubat tak kan bagi nudes lagi pada orang. And dia cakap dalam hati, "ya allah, this is my promise. I won't give inappropriate photos to anyone ever again. Cukup this as a lesson to me and a teguran for me not to do the same sin ever again."

So dia mula berubah. But the guy still ugut. So she still get scared. But dia dah bulat hati and tekad, apa nak jadi pun jadilah. Aku tak nak hidup dibelenggu dengan ugutan macam ni lagi.

So she reported this to police stations. As a record lah that time. And she blocked the guy. Totally ignore him. And dia once again doa pada Allah, "ya allah, tolong tutup ain aku. Tolong tutup aib aku daripada semua makhluk di muka bumi ni. But if kau takdirkan aib aku terbukak, tolong kurniakan aku kesabaran yang paling tinggi. Kuatkan hati aku. Kalau dengan terbuka aib aku atas dunia, boleh memadamkan dosa2 aku yang banyak ni Ya Allah, takpe. Aku redha"

Dia doa macam tu. and alhamdulillah, the latest update is, the guy have totally stopped bothering her, and her nudes tak pernah disebarkan. And she never send inappropriate photos to anyone since then.

So you see, sometimes things happen because Allah want to tell you, okay kid. Stop. Dah cukuplah dosa tu dibuat. So He ingatkan you. And also Allah duga you Dia nak bagi you ganjaran yang lebih besar. Macam sharing dalam IG Fynn Jamal, better kena hukum atas dunia dengan Allah, daripada kena beduk nanti kat dalam neraka.

So to whoever facing this problem now, kuat! Learn to put a stop to it. I know it won't be easy. But at least, try. Try something. You cannot change other person. But you can change yourself. Jangan takut untuk stop sesuatu yang buruk hanya sebab kita takut kita hilang semua yang kita ada sekarang. And jangan tutup mulut hanya kerana they promise you bulan bintang but nanti2 mereka buat lagi perangai sama.

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