Night cuddles

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" wow mira this place is beautiful" both kai and adam stood shocked, " yep by the way i figured out it doesn't have many rooms so you both have to share one, if thats ok." Adam started blushing " yea its fine" ( adam) " great well theres a main diner and i told the others when im back we can all eat together." Mira smiled at them, " of course" kai rubbed his stomach, " alright so see ya" mira walked away so did adam and kai.
[ hours went by]
" come on reevie we dont have all day" Vanessa tugged on reeve, " dont call me that and geez wait keep your panties on." Reeve got up, skeet started laughing about what reeve just said, " reeve what did u say to me." Vanessa looked at reeve madly, reeve started giggling with skeet " he said keep your panties on." Skeet and reeve busted out laughing, " REEVE IM GOING TO F*CKING KILL YOU." Reeve piggy backed skeet and he ran vanessa flew after them. Mira, adam and kai looked at them running and flying around like crazy, " GUYSS STOP." They stopped and took there seats, hey mira and I switch spots with you i dont want to be around these bozzos." Mira nodded and Vanessa sat next to kai and adam on the other, mira brought there food and everyone began to eat, Vanessa grabbed kais cheek " omgosh your cheeks look huged when you eat kai." Vanessa and kai laughed, adam looked at them with a pissy face. " hey adam you like him or something ", reeve started teasing adam, adam flicked reeve off and continued eating " ADAM" mira yelled at him " that was so rude of you." ( mira) " YEA BUT TEASING ME IS PRETTY RUDE TOO." Reeve and skeet laughed to each other. They all finished eating and said there good nights and headed to there bedrooms.
        Kai yawned and laid on the couch, " kai theres space for both of us." Kai jumped by those words " really?" Kai looked over at the bed " oh yea there is" kai laid on the bed looking the the ceiling, " kai there something i need to tell you something." Adam started blushing, " yea you can tell me" kai looked at adam, " well" adam took a big sigh " i like you kai, like as a boyfriend." Kai started turning red " re- really." Adam nodded, " now i know you might not like me back but its ok" kai froze but smirked at adam " who said that" adam looked shocked at kai, " so you like me t-too." Kai blushed and looked down " yea" kai rapped himself around adam, adam smiled and lifted his head and they kissed for a good hour. " i love you adam " kai nugged his head into adams chest, " i love you too kai"adam held kai tightly, " by the way adam i know your gonna be an amazing boyfriend to me." Kai blushed so did adam, and they slowly feel asleep together.

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