"Have you heard from her?" He quiets me giving me cream and sugar. "She doesn't want to be around anyone this moment, however I couldn't keep you two apart" I sip my coffee waiting for him to continue talking. "She's upstairs, sleeping or laying in the bed" I hug him happily. "Mario how'd you get to her??" He shows me the messages between them and explains she didn't know where to go. "Thank you for getting her, and telling me she was here."

"Oh stop thanking me, it's no problem" why wouldn't I thank him a lot? He's put my mind at ease. "Can I go see her?" He nods with a grin on his face. "Well don't ask me she's your girlfriend" I thank him walking towards the stairs. "She's in the first room on your right"

Mario and Trina look alike, I've said this before but they really look alike. Looking at him grin reminded me of her grin. They're facial structures are alike too. I have to see Mario's mother to help me make sense of this.

I open the door seeing her laying there, tear stains on her face. "Trina?" She jumps up staring at me. "Wh-how?" I sit down on the bed with her shaking my head. "Don't worry about that, why'd you want to disappear, from me especially?"

She lays back down shrugging her shoulders. "Everything got difficult and overwhelming" I nod, it did get tense and to be too much. "Baby I'm always here for you though, we're a team". Trina smiles but still looks sad. "I don't want to overwhelm you with the issues Max"

My face frowns and I know she can tell I don't like what she said. "Trina we are a duo, we are a couple, we are in this together, I am here with you for everything, no matter what! I don't care if it's 4 am baby, if you need me I'm here for you" she pecks my hand then squeezes it looking weary. "I'm so..tired Max" I see the pain in her eyes and have no other thoughts but to hold her and make her feel loved.


My mom comes in the house turning her nose up already. "Who's in the house?" I explain to her and she scoffs nodding. "So you still only have two friends?" I nod rubbing my neck. I hate when she comes home. "And when will I meet them Mario, especially if they're in my own house without my knowledge"

I groan pointing to her phone. "I texted you it was an emergency" she rolls her eyes coming closer to me. I tense up until she passes me to sit on the couch. "If only you were more like me when I was your age, I had boatfulls of friends Mario" I nod getting her a beverage before she has to ask. I don't want her angry with me. "It's about time you realize to get me what I need before I ask"

I clear my throat nodding. "Well why are you standing here? I don't need your presence anymore" I rub my arm going upstairs. I'm nothing like her and I don't want to be anything like her. She claims I'm more like my dad but I have no idea how.

He's barely here so I don't know what he's like. I think I have a different dad anyways. Sometimes I'm unsure about her being my mother.

We don't look alike, I don't look like anyone on her side of the family either, they don't even treat me like blood. So I'm basically an outcast in my family life.

But it's okay, Maxwell and Trina make me feel wanted. They reach out to me to make sure I'm doing okay and just to have regular conversation. I was meant to meet them. I felt it when I first saw Trina. Something about her pulls me to her. We have a natural bond, I found it after the awkward stage.

"Mario are you ok? You look like you thinking hards" I look at Maxwell and nod. "I am thinking hard" his expression doesn't change but I feel the care in presence. He sits besides me leaning back. "I'm listening."

See what I mean? They make me feel like family more than my own mother does. And now I'm about to tell him that? That's crazy.

I begin to explain what I'm thinking about hesitantly, what if I'm just being delusional? "She's not a good mom, I wouldn't be surprised if you were adopted."

I forgot Max doesn't lie with anything, even if it might be sensitive. I don't mind it, I rather him tell me his honest opinion than lie to me. I hate being lied to.. and it seems like that's all my mother can do to me. I don't think she truly loves me.

But it's okay, I'll be able to move out soon. "We can do a dna test, to see if she's your mom" my eyes honestly light up, I perk up sitting up straighter. "I would love that!"

He smiles patting my shoulder. "Give me a hair sample from the both of you and I'll handle the rest. I nod thinking of where the plastic baggies are. "Can I give it to you today?" He nods rubbing his hands together. "Trina's sleeping, we talked and I know how to help ease her mind, I think her and I should get our own place Mario."

His straight face tells me he's serious but my eyes still widen. "You haven't even graduated yet??" He nods rubbing his fingers through his hair, "her brother just caused major stress for her and I can tell he's about to be there for a while" I cross my arms groaning. "The one who was locked up?"

Max nods as his veins become more visible in his head. "Okay calm down, my mom is going to pass out soon or leave so you can smoke if need be" he raises his eyebrows smirking.

"Who knew Mario got into that" I push him out my room laughing. "If she wakes up and you're not there she's going to hurt you" he chuckles walking back in the room she's in. I hope I can get a relationship like there's.

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