"Good job, that was great,"I shouted. I ran toward the pole, and waited. She jumped off the pole, and landed in my arms.

"Thanks,"she breathed. We walked back hand in hand.

"Zoe, you got 8 minutes, good job,"Thalia said, heading inside. Zoe smiled, and walked inside. We walked into the living room, and found the Warriors sitting at the dinner table.

"Oh, hey, what was your time, Zoe?"Luke asked.

"8 minutes,"she replied.

"Dang, you're good,"Ethan complimented. Zoe blushed, and sat in her assigned seat, which was across from me.

"So, what are we doing just sitting here?" Nico asked.

"Lord Chaos said to, said he had some news to tell us, or something,"Calypso said.


A portal appeared, and out stepped Father. He sat in his seat, and faced us. He nodded, and we nodded back.

"Why have you called us?"I asked.

"It seems like the Gods want us back now,"he said.

"Are you kidding we aren't even back for 3 days, and they already want us back,"Thalia complained.

"Apparently so."

"Wow, that's just, wow,"Ethan said.

"So we will be leaving for camp, once again,"he said.

"Why back there, can't we go somewhere else or something?"I shouted.

"I'm sorry, Perseus, but this is the way it must be,"he said.

I sighed.

"I'm going to bed,"I told them, and left to my room. I climbed into bed. My body ached everywhere, and the dreams didn't even begin yet. I figured out something else too. Right before I go to sleep my body would ache more than usual.

I'm getting smarter. Wow. I had dreams as usual.

The next morning we left, for Camp Half-Blood. We stepped into the black portal. Then we stepped out on the hill. I looked at Camp Half-Blood below. I remembered this scene, it was the last scene I saw before I left.

We walked down into Camp Half-Blood. We headed toward the Big House. When we entered everybody looked at us.

"Lord Chaos told us that the Gods want our help now,"Bianca said.

"Yea, I don't know why they changed their mind though,"Jason said. Oh, it's him.

"Well, where are they?"I asked.

"They're coming,"Hazel answered.

Hazel, and Frank were probably the only ones I misses. Right on cue they Gods appeared before us, and knelt down before me.

"Forgive us for doubting you,"Zeus said looking up. He instantly bowed back down when he looked into my eyes.

"What made you change your mind?"Nico asked.

"We realized that we are not strong enough, and that we really do need your help,"Poseidon said.

Gods, I hated him.

I made a rising motion with my hand, and they stood up.

"Battle plans, Athena, Ares, your in charge,"I said, getting straight to business. They looked at each other in disgust, but left after awhile.

"Weapons, Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus, Hephaestus, that's your job,"Thalia directed.

"Hera, and Aphrodite, get the armor ready," Nico said.

"Oh, maybe I'll make them pink!"Aphrodite squealed before they left. I hoped not.

"You three stay here,"I commanded them,"Jason, you make sure the campers are trained, and ready."

"How do you know my name?"he asked.

"Because I know,"I told him quickly.

"How old are you?"Leo asked.

"Don't ask that!"Piper scolded him. I wonder if they were still dating, and if Jason was over it.

"It's okay, I'm 17,"I told them.

"Dang, are you serious?"he asked.

"Yep, I joined Chaos on my birthday."

"Wait, that means that you're the same age as us,"Frank said. I nodded.

"Why did you join in the first place,"Piper asked. I could tell that they were digging for information.

"That's my own business,"I told them. They looked disappointed. I turned to the Gods.

"I wonder, what should we make them do?"Nico asked.

"I don't know,"I replied.

Zeus' arrogant mode switched on.

"Of course, I'll lead them."

"I don't think so,"Zoe said

"What are you talking about,girl.I'm the strongest so of course I'll lead them to battle."

"Are you sure about that,Zeus?"I asked.

Then his arrogant mode switched off.Good for him.

"The thing is that we need more allies,I suggest that we talk to Reyna about joining the war,she must have been informed by Lupa,"I suggested.

"How come I never thought of that?" Jason asked himself.

"Then it's settled,you six plus my Warriors,and I will go.Zeus,and you two stay here,and help train the campers as much as you can,and remember if you harm the campers in anyway,you will not live to see the next day," I threatened him.

He nodded.

"Let's go,"Nico said. I created a portal, and told everybody to step in.

When they all stepped in I closed the portal, and after a few seconds, we stepped out onto the grounds of Camp Jupiter.

Thank you for waiting do long, i thought the chapter would be 3 pages but sadly its only 2 but it took awhile to type this, so thx for waiting imat 600 something reads...YAY!!!!!



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