Chapter one

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I'm not sure how long it's been but I've finally learnt how to control this rage mode. That's what I decided to call it because the first time it happened I was mad that I got bitten but now I can keep myself from starting it randomly. I've also picked up a few tricks even though I'm part zombie now they still attack me. So I have to hide but i've learned that if you smell like one of them they don't attack. It happened when I killed some of them because this time I didn't have spare clothes so I had to walk around with the blood-stained clothes for a couple of days. The entire time no zombie attacked me some even walked right passed me almost like I was invisible.

Only downside that I know of as of now is that I can't remember anything, even my name. Everything is blank but sometimes when I'm out I'll walk past something and it feels important or familiar to me but I'm not sure how. It's all too strange and for now until I remember what my actual name is I've decided to give myself one. I call myself Z that's all I could come up with.

Today is the day when I have to move to a new base. This side of the city is overrun and I can't get supplies very easily anymore, not that I really need it anymore. I only need water, food isn't something that I ever think about. I'm just not hungry but it makes things way easier only looking for one thing most of the time. I have everything I need in this bag that I always carry and that's water and a knife.

I'll travel by roof today to many zombies out now and I don't feel like dealing with them. I run taking off at full speed and jump from one roof to another. I continue like this for a bit then after around seven jumps I take a break. Just need to drink some water real fast then I can head down.

I only drink a small amount and then put the bottle back in my bag making sure it's tied before looking for a ladder. If there's not one well then I have to do this the fun but hard way. Sadly there is one though it's rusted but still works so that might be a good sign. A possible new base for me with a great view of the city.

Reaching the ground there's a loud noise coming from somewhere close. I should stay away but my curiosity gets the best of me and I find myself hiding behind a corner listening in on a conversation.

"Sou-chan, can we head back now? We've already searched most of this area at least three times." Sou-chan? Why does that name feel like something I knew. Who is that person

"Fine we can head back but you get to explain to Yamato why we came back early." Sou-chan said. I start to move away tired of this conversation already, but I end up knocking a trashcan over. Just my luck and I'm pretty sure they heard it.

"What was that?"

"Stay here. I'll go see if it's safe then you can come got it?"

"Okay Sou-chan. Just be careful."

Yep, I was right and now one of them is coming over here. If I run then that might just cause more trouble. I slide down and pull my knees close to my chest. Maybe if I stay like this I won't be noticed.

"Whoever's there doesn't move. I don't want any trouble and I hope you don't either." very clever mist people who hide after making random noise definitely don't want trouble. They just like messing with people. They went quiet after that. Did they decide to leave and ignore me? I hope so. Right as I started to move, someone's voice rang out clear shocked for some reason.

"Riku!" I looked up confused, slowly moving away. Hopefully I could get away soon with only a few more inches.

"Sou-chan, what's wrong? You stopped moving." the other voice came closer. "Rikkun, is that really you?"

Who are these people? I don't know them yet they act like they know me. Maybe if I ask who that is they'll let me leave. "Who's Rikkun?" I asked. The two looked at each other for a moment. I think it is called Sou-chan stepping closer.

"Riku, don't you remember us?" he asked. I shook my head even if I'm not the exact person they're looking for there's no way I remember who they are.

"I don't have any memory except for a few months ago sorry. And I'm not Riku, I go by Z. so you've got the wrong person. Can I leave now?"

"Wha- Rikkun stop joking around. You know who we are." the other boy said. "Just come back with us. You can talk later, from what I can tell it's probably gonna be covered with zombies soon."

I guess it wouldn't be a bad choice, I mean they seem friendly but I should still be on alert just in case they end up like another group I met not too long ago. It was a small group of two girls and two boys at first they asked me to stay and help but soon I learned that one of the boys had been lying to the others and locked them out all night. Only one of the girls survived. She ran away and I left soon after.

"Is your base far from here?" I asked. If it wasn't too far from here then I would go, if it was then I would pretend to follow and escape when they least expect it. Sorry, but I can't trust people even if you claim that you know me. Right now you have no proof that you're right about that and I sadly wouldn't even be able to agree even with proof.

"Our base? It's around the block. If you weren't joking around like this then you would know what I'm talking about, our dorms or apartment." guess if they are actually trouble I could always go into rage mode and get away as fast as I can. "Fine I'll come with you but before I do can you at least tell me a name or something I told you mine already so it seems fair to know yours, right? I replied in a monotone voice

"Umm okay then you usually call me Tamaki and that Sogo but you can call him Sou-chan if you want." Tamaki said.

After that Sogo led us back to back to a strange building. I looked at it getting a strange feeling. I knew this place, again with this just tell me why I know this place. I'm tired of this. I put my hand up to my head trying to calm myself down. It was futile instead my head started to hurt the more i tried. I started to stumble backwards until I tripped sending myself flying backwards into the ground. Upon contact I was out, the to voices yelling "Riku" even though I told them that I was Z. soon right before I completely backed out a new voice appeared. "Nasase-san!"

Zombie Idol  (Idolish7) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now