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February 14, 2015 – St. Joseph’s Academy celebrated its annual Junior-Senior prom at the Grand Beatrice Hotel.  The theme, black-and-white masquerade party, was well-prepared by students who were very excited about the event.  Preparations were cooked months ago but prom dates were promised only weeks before the scheduled event.  Brouhaha was formed among the crowd was developed when Althea Dizon and Chase Andrews were crowned king and queen of the night.  This was because the two were rumored to have broken up weeks before that night; as a result, they came to the event with different partners.  The said announcement served as an open door for Chase to finally express his true feelings for Althea.  It was revealed that their previous relationship was a hoax, simply to make Debbie (Chase’s ex-girlfriend) jealous.  He confessed that he had fallen for her along the way.  The crowd grew more excited when Althea also disclosed her love for Chase.  The night ended with a romantic dance of the couple, who were later joined by other couples in the hall.


I gave out a big sigh before entering the hall.  Part of me wanted to back out because I am not yet ready to see him with her again.  However, part of me wanted to go because I do not want to make him think that I am affected.  With the confidence I gathered, I held my head high as I entered the hall.  I did not intend to look for him but it was like a coincidence that my eyes found him. He was wearing a black-and-white tuxedo that perfectly matched his black gothic mask.  He looks flawless in every way.  His smile still sends shiver to my spine, though it was never for me.  I saw Debbie possessively anchored his left arm and the sight alone pains me deep within.  He looks happy that I wondered if I ever made him happy during the time when I was in Debbie’s place. What we had may just be a hoax but it was all real for me. I shook my head to drive away the thought. What was I thinking? He is already happy.  Chase and Debbie found each other again, and I was just the other girl used to simply make Debbie realize how much she lost for letting Chase go.  I was suddenly rooted on the ground when our eyes meet.  Was I just imagining things? Did I just see sadness behind the smile he is now wearing? I heard the mic squeaked before the emcee greeted everyone.  I fell deaf when the emcee called my name as the queen of the night. Congo drums filled my heart as I climbed the stairs.  It took a while before Chase joined me but it did not bother me.  I was ready to hear rejection from him when I felt the world stopped for us.  In the middle of the deafening silence, Chase Andrew, the man who took my first kiss, my first date, my first of everything nice, confessed his love for me. I was stunned for a while but when I regained myself, I searched the crowd for the sad eyes I knew that was crying at this moment_ Debbie’s eyes.  I was surprised to see her nod at me, as if encouraging me to express myself.  With a sign of her approval, I faced Chase and told him I have loved him even before we started pretending.  With glistening eyes he took my hand and lead me to the dance floor where he took me to my another first, my first dance.


Nothing could ever be compared to the happiness she felt as she walked in the hall with the man she loved so dearly.  She has long dreamed for this night, but for a while, she thought she lost it. But she is here, with Chase Andrews, the first and the only man who captured her heart.  She never thought this night would happen because she let slip before but everything will be fine now.  Chase is now with her and together they entered the hall.  The joy she felt slowly fades when she saw his eyes meet Althea’s.  He may be physically with her but she knows his mind still linger on Althea.  It hurts her but she knew it was all her fault.  She left him before because she wanted to save him from being hurt.  She was diagnosed end-stage leukemia and there was no more cure. She thought she wanted him to find someone else before she leaves but she realized she was wrong.  Seeing him happy with Althea broke her heart.  It pains her to know that he can easily forget about her when she’ll be gone.  She became selfish.  She wanted him back.  She wanted him to be with her in every waking hour left for her to live.  Is it too much to ask for a second chance? Is it wrong to long for happiness even during the remaining days she would live? Can she be allowed to be selfish enough just to have him by her side just until she live? She will only have him for a few more days, Althea will have him forever.  Her heart skipped when she heard the emcee called Chase and Althea as the king and queen of the night.  She felt proud when Chase hesitated to leave her but when she saw sadness in his eyes; she realized that she loved him too much that she can’t bear to see those sad eyes again.  Debbie wore a fake sweet smile, something that she had mastered recently and encouraged him to join his queen. Ah his queen – she finally admitted. She is no longer his queen; she had already lost him.  She heaved a sigh as she tried to stop her tears from falling.  But her eyes betrayed her when Chase expressed his love to Althea.  She quickly wiped her tears before she looked up on the stage again.  Her eyes met the questioning look of Althea.  Her look was more of concern than being proud; but their moment was so magical, so romantic.  She cannot destroy it.  With bitter-sweet smile she nodded at Althea and then turned her back.  She knew that Althea understood her so she left not wanting to see them dance.  Tomorrow, Debbie Singson, will only Chase Andrews’ ex-girlfriend, only a memory that will soon be forgotten.  They do not need to know about her because soon she will no longer exist.  The love she shared with Chase will just be a dream, a wonderful dream that will remain a dream forever.

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