"Well, for one I never have to ghost on you for a mission because we both work on the same team but I get where you're going." I told him

"Spyder does have a point." Harris said

"They're staying together if it's the last thing I do." Veracity said.

"I didn't know you were a fangirl... awwww thanks." I said

"Oh come on! It's not like you didn't make a giant 10 minute video edit for my and Lily's 3 month anniversary." Veracity retorted

"You're cute together." I protested

"BAKC TO THE POINT!" Harris yelled. "He's always helping us...We should pay him back and be smart about it."

"Good idea, I'll get the arm cannons." Spyder said and got up. Harris went after him.

"I'm gonna watch from a distance." Veracity said

"Amazing idea." I told her and we left for Georgia's house. Veracity and I were sitting across the street from Spyder and Harris on a bench eating some pizza. Spyder had gotten a bunch of flowers and set them up.

"Five bucks Spyder stole them." I told Veracity

"I'm not gonna agree to that bet cuz I know for a fact he stole them. Time to watch this train wreck unfold." Veracity murmured.

"Really apologetic delivery from Mark Walker." Spyder yelled ad dove behind the fence. Georgia opened the door and looked amazed. Her face dropped when she picked up a card.

"I can kinda read lips... she's saying 'Deepest sympathies. A card for a grief counsellor' Spyder stole from the funeral home." I muttered. Then Georgia stormed inside

"Should we give them one more try before we step in and save their sorry asses?" Veracity asked

"Yup!" I said and grabbed another slice of pizza

"Oh look at what Harris is writing." I pointed out

"'I want your love today'. Now the wind is changing them to 'I want your love to die'" Veracity said

"Should we intervene?" I asked

"Yup." Veracity said and we approached them. "As amusing as it has been watching the two of you..."

"How long have you been watching?" Harris asked us

"Long enough to realize that if you don't step up your game you will both die alone." I said, grinning.

"Excuse us, we will use words to reason with Georgia." Veracity said

"Here's a tip: Don't skywrite them." Spyder said. I rolled my eyes and we rang the doorbell

"Hi there... Georgia right?" I asked, smiling

"Oh god not again." She muttered

"Chill, we're not here to use dumb methods like the guys." Veracity said. "We're just here to convince you that you should take Mark back."


"Why not?" I debated

"Because he ghosted." Georgia protested

"Everyone ghosts sometimes. Mark had family problems that were urgent and taking precedence over his fucking girlfriend and some idiotic cosplay thing." I argued

"Yea... he had no signal and when he finally does you say you wanna break up with him which by the way broke his heart into a million tiny pieces without giving him the chance to fucking explain anything, bitch." Veracity said

"I'm calling the police." Georgia threatened. Veracity and I ran.

"Uh we should go!" Veracity said urgently

"We should go now before the police show up!" I panicked

"Or worse." Spyder said, pointing at Mark. "Your girlfriend's nice." Spyder said quickly. Mark brought us to the door and knocked

"Get lost!" Georgia said

"Here me out. All the weird stuff that's been happening... it wasn't me. These four decided to help." Mark explained

"Okay just the way you said help makes it sound like we didn't-"

"Spyder shut up." I interrupted

"Look, I know you don't wanna see me again and you won't. But I just wanna say I'm sorry for these guys annoying you and... especially for ghosting on you." Mark apologized

"Why did you?" Georgia asked

"I have... responsibilities, to my brother, sister" Mark pointed at me.

"Awww you consider me your sister." I said grinning

"Shut it! Anyways I have responsibilities, to my brother, my sister and to these guys, I guess." Mark said. "it won't happen again."

"I didn't break up with you because you're busy. I broke up with you because you didn't tell me you were busy. You just... disappeared. It's called communication." Georgia said

"Actually it would be called multitasking." Veracity and I said at the same time. We got looks.

"We'll stay out of this for now." I said

"At least your friends tried to talk to me, even if it was in that... insane way." Georgia said

"Again, we are so sorry, I didn't even know I knew those words." Veracity apologized

"I do and I've been an influence on you and I'm not sure whether to rejoice or be concerned." I muttered

"Do you get what I'm saying?" Georgia asked


"Well then I guess, I can give you another chance." Georgia decided. The four of us stood their pleasantly watching this go down.

"This is your cue to leave." Mark told us



"Sorry." We all left to go to a local diner and grab some snacks.

Mech X4, Spyder x OC (book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang