Chpt. 3

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Hello peoples of wattpad, i completely forgot abt this so ahah here is the next part :> 

"K-Kio slow down the freaking car!!" Eric screamed in a panicked tone as he buckled himself in "You almost hit her you, idiot!" That was it...all it would take to piss Kio off even more, he was definitely dead when they got home

Kio looked over at him and glared at him growling "If She Wasnt in the street she would be fine.."
Eric's eyes widened at the tone Kio used and it made him even more scared. "Kio...please calm down!" He touched his cheek with a shaking hand and looks at him with such loving eyes.
Kio whips his head away from him and stares at the road with fire in his eyes. They soon reached the house and he stopped the car getting out and slamming the door of the car stomping inside the house
Eric stayed put in the car, watching Kio leave as tears filled up his eyes, "What the fuck is your problem...." His voice became a whisper and watches as the other went inside, giving him the opportunity to cry in peace, he laid his head against the dashboard and let his tear drip from his face.
Kio sighed and went into his room sitting down on his bed. He put his head down his hands "What the hell is wrong with me.." he muttered looking out his window seeing Eric and sighing
Eric's breath became shaky and covered his mouth, wiping his eyes and looks out his side of the window, snuffling and holding back more tears and trying not to get the passing neighbours inn suspense.
Kio walked out of the house with a softened expression and went to the car going to Eric and picking him up making him wrap his legs around him and walked back to the house laying Eric down on his bed and leaving the room.
A small smile came across Eric's face as Kio carried him, but when he left the room he pouted..he missed his presence and wanted him to hold him again, he wanted to apologize for being a bad boyfriend "B-babe! come here a minute!" Eric called out softly and laid his head in his hands.
Kio walks back to him and leans aginst the door frame. He sighed and looked at him "What is it?" He asked trying not to sound pissed and forced a smile at him
Eric pouts and makes grabby hands at him "I-I'm sorry for being rude, I was just excited" He smiled a little and sat up from the bed, looking down at his feet "I-It won't happen again s-sir..."
Kio goes to him and sits down. He grabbed his hands and stared him in the eyes " sorry for being so possesive i sorry.." he kisses him on the cheek and smiles at him
"I'll listen you from now on Kio, it's okay" He smiled and runs his thumb over Kio's larger hands and giggles "You're possessive because you love me, I understand~"
Kio smiles and holds him closer cuddling him "i do really love you"

"I love you too!~" He leans closer to Kio's lips and placed a peck there, wrapping his legs around the other's waist.

Kio held him close and put his head on his shoulder. He sighed tierdly and shut his eyes "tomorrow we can figure out a punishment.." he mumbles gripping him tighterEric scoffed and pokes his boyfriend's head "Punishment...again...why don't you unplug this vibrator, that'd help a lot handsome!" He giggles and kept poking Kio's cheek.
Kio grabbed his hand and gave him a look like 'dont try it' and didnt say anything. He pushed him off of him and got out his phone and began to edit thier tiktok
Eric giggles and slides off the bed, tip toeing to the bathroom to change his clothes. "Are we going back to collab with Chase any time soon K?" He asked innocently as he took his sweater and pants off. He then got on his toes again the take Kio's tshirt from the rack and slipped it onto his small body.
Kio looked up at him and shrugged. He scrolled through his dms deleting all of the random thirsty ones and gasped throwing his phone to the ground. He ran and hugged Eric tightly picking him up
Eric laughs and gently hits Kio's chest, feeling his cheeks heat up and clings to Kio's chest. "Aggh babee!" He giggles more and nuzzles into his neck.
Kio laughed and let go of him grabbing his hands "I got invited to be a member of the hype not the real hype house but another hype house but this time no girls just the dudes, isnt that great!" he says excitedly and picks him up again hugging him tightly
His hands made their way around Kio's neck and smiles "I won't have to worry about those crappy girls swooning over you!" He pouts and looked down letting a soft sigh escape his lips "I'll just worry if any other guy tries you over?"
Kio shakes his head pulling him closer. He held his face tightly and looked at him with loving eyes "No one could win me over, i only love you.."
A faint red blotch appeared on his cheeks and puckers his lips, "Gimme kisses then dummy"
kisses him deeply pushing him up aginst the wall
blushes and kisses him back, getting up on his toes and smiles
pulls away from the kiss and caresses his face "breathe Eric.."
He pouts and takes a deep breath, leaning into his touch "Alright...."
Kio smiles kissing his cheek pulling him close and hugging him tightly
"I love you baby...only you" He muttered reassuringly before hugging him back, rubbing on his back
Kio smiles and nods picking him up "i know baby.."
Eric gasped as his head was buried into Kio's neck and blushes deeply "K-Kio..your spontaneous aren't you?"
goes and sits down on the bed with him on his lap "Depends, what do you mean by that?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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