Everything about the two girls said "come over here and tell me about yourself."

There were boys with them too. One with shoulder length hair and a bright yellow t-shirt with black pants. His bookbag had a pride flag pin. The other boy had an adidas track sweater, the typical high school senior look, I could just tell he was on some sports team.

Nevertheless the group was quite interesting.

I smiled to myself, I can't believe I didn't come to a public school earlier. If I knew I'd get to see people this beautiful I would've never wasted a minute in that school.

"Harry!" The boy in yellow exclaimed when another boy approached them. I could only make out his side profile and to say it was perfect was an understatement. Even with the darkness around his eyes everything looked so ethereal. His lips curved perfectly. His eyes had to be light, I would've been able to come to conclusion of brown but I just couldn't, not here at least. "It's the first day of school and this is what you wear?" I looked away for a bit then looked back to take in his outfit. He was wearing a black hoodie with a champion logo, matched with sweatpants same brand but a different color, it was gray.

He just shook his head, "We're seniors now we don't have to show out for the first day., you're just extra Conner" His voice and his accent was slightly different than the rest of us here.

"Hey you!" Someone called to me, I had looked away from the group but once I looked back to them, it was Conner who called me. I guess he saw my staring. My cheeks became rosy. "Come over here!" He waved his hand at me, gesturing for me to walk over.

The pretty boy, Harry I think his name was, didn't look at me. Instead he looked at his phone and widened his eyes, quickly shoving it back in his pockets and fleeing the scene.

whatever wasn't like there was much to see here.

I walked over to the group which now had even friendlier looks in their eyes.

I got close enough to see the two girls holding hands, drawing to the conclusion that they're probably together or just super close girl friends. But the matching hickies said otherwise. "Hi, I'm conner! This is Danny, Julia and Lilith." He pointed to each person. "What's your name new girl?"

I smiled, maybe making friends will be easy. "I'm Aaliyah I was at the all girls school around the corner." I scanned the eyes of each of the pretty people, just to make sure they weren't talking to me just to laugh in my face.

Danny spoke, "Harry comes along with us but that boy is always... missing. You aren't missing much with him minus his dreamy eyes."

"Hey, my eyes are the only dreamy ones" Connor smacks his arm.

Well I didn't expect that, but i'm pleasantly surprised.

I was fifth wheeling here huh.

Connor continued, "And don't look into Harry's dreamy eyes too long, you'll get a fat crush then he'll say something along the lines of being with me is a horrible decision blah blah blah more emo shit." He rolled his eyes, he was quite the character. A quick over-sharer, noted. Extremely friendly, noted. And Italian? His accent was much thicker up close. "Like Lilith sister Laura tried him and he shot it down so qui-"

Danny cut him off, "Connor, calm down. We know how you get when you meet a new person." He put his hand over his chest, Connor let out a sigh and smile while putting his hand over Danny's. It was quite the cute exchange. "Anyway sit with us in the classroom, I'm assuming you have AP lit here with us."

I shook my 'yes', being too nervous to speak again. I'm never shy unless it's someone my age. Throw me in a room on elders and i'll recite all of my work while dancing. Now a room of teenagers, I might sneak out of the room to walk back to the elders.

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