Episode 4 - The Doom Trials

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Scene 1

The Fantastic Four are milling about in the Baxter Building. Reed is doing tests on Ben, Sue is reading, and Johnny is watching TV.

Johnny: Can you believe that the Avengers were all on the top of the U.S. Most Wanted list? I wonder if we would get that high.

Reed: Stop comparing us to the Avengers, Johnny.

Johnny: I'm not! The comparison is just naturally there. I mean, we even have our Walmart version of the Hulk!

Ben: That's it! Walmart version my-

Reed: Relax, both of you.

Sue: I thought you guys made up after the Giganto thing.

Johnny: Yeah, we did.

Ben: I hate him less now, but he's still equally annoying.

Sue groaned and shook her head.

Sue: Boys. I'm going to get some fresh air.

Reed: Outside?

Sue: Yes. Is there a problem with that?

Reed: No. Not at all.

Sue takes the elevator down, and Johnny whistles once she's gone.

Johnny: Seems like me and Benny aren't the only ones with bad blood.

Reed sighs.

Reed: Sue still thinks that I'm trying to control everyone on the team.

Johnny: Well are you?

Reed: Of course not! Do you think I'm controlling?

Johnny just shrugs.

Johnny: Dunno. Personally, I never give anyone the chance to control me. Sue's sewn up tight, but she'll come around eventually. Are you guys still dating, by the way?

Reed: I honestly don't know. Ever since we've gotten our powers, relationships have been the least of our worries, I guess. I don't think now is the best time to bring it up, either.

Ben: Um, guys? We have a problem here.

Ben points out the window and Johnny and Reed join him. Outside of the Baxter Building, a man in a green cloak has grabbed Sue and is loading her into a ship. Johnny runs to the balcony and flies down while Reed and Ben take the elevator. But it's too late. By the time they're all down there, the ship is lifting into the air.

Fantastic Four intro plays.

Scene 2

Reed stretches toward the ship that's lifting into the air while Johnny flies after it and Ben stays on the floor, waiting for his chance to punch someone. Then a voice rings out from a speaker.

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