Against The Swing

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Author's POV:

The daily life of Avaya and Harsha are going well. He along with his family are supporting Avaya very well.

She resumed her job in her father's company. Harsha sometimes bore her tauntrums while she bore his sometimes.

Harsha is doing well in his business taking care of his kingdom too.

He showed no shame in acquiring some advices from Avaya. Avaya happily gave in and is helping him in every aspect of his life adapting to her new lifestyle.

Indranil and Kaivalya too left no stone unturned in supporting their daughter in law. They are treating her as their princess.  Even they bore her tauntrums.

" Princess, Prince! The King and Queen asked me to pass this message to you both that they wanna have a word with you. So you are asked to present yourselves in the courtroom tomorrow morning." Their loyal employee said and left after bowing them.

In these 8 months of their marriage, Avaya and Harsha are never asked to present themselves in the court room. This ignited a pit of nervousness in Avaya's stomach.

" Harsha! What is it going to be that aunt and uncle want us to be present in the courtroom?" Avaya asked.

" It's nothing my princess. They only call us to the courtroom until and unless they wanna make an important announcement." Harsha reasoned to his wife.

Avaya kissed Harsha's cheek and left to her office while Harsha too left to his company.

In these 8 months, Harsha never crossed his limits with her. He made sure that Avaya is always comfortable around him. He chained his desires to comfort his princess.

He taught her everything step by step how to be an ideal queen. But contrary to his teachings, Avaya have already learnt few things in her free time.

She took Harsha by surprise when she challenged him in the sword fight. She gave a tough competition to him but years of practise never go wasted compared to her months practice. Harsha won over her and she rewarded him with a huge chocolate when he asked for a reward which led to a fight later.

Harsha and Avaya are present at the courtroom the next  morning.

" Greetings My Trinity!" Avaya greeted both her in-laws with respect.

They always fell for her, only for this word. Harsha always feel jealous when she use different vocabulary to booze his parents.

" Good morning princess." The couple greeted back. Harsha greeted them and they greeted him back.

Avaya always covered her head when she is infornt of the royal members. She makes sure that she cover her face too. Harsha finds it so fascinating to see his wife follow all the customs very sincerely.

He just wanna lift the veil very slowly and kiss her rosy lips infront of the whole courtroom passionately.

Indranil cleared his throat and that brought Harsha out of his dirty thoughts.

Avaya and Harsha sat in their respective chairs and looked at the Royal couple who are currently ruling their kingdom.

" I, King Indranil here by made a decision regarding my son and daughter-in-law. This is made considering the people's choice and will. YOUR PRINCE, PRINCE HARSHA VARDHAN WILL NO LONGER BE YOUR PRINCE. HE WILL BE CROWNED AS THE KING ON THE AUSPICIOUS DAY OF THE NEXT MONTH. " Indranil declared in his Kingly voice that left none to decline against his words.

Avaya and Harsha's mouths are wide open when they heard the news. Both of them know that they have to take up their titles one day or the other day but they never expected those to be this quick.

The minister adjourned the session and asked everyone to leave.

Once Avaya and Harsha are in their room, both of them slumped on their bed and looked at eachother still not believing what they have heard.

" You are going to be a King Harsha and it's a very big responsibility." Avaya mumbled looking at him.

" And you are going to be a Queen princess. You are to be by my side in every aspect looking after our kingdom and your job along." Harsha said pulling his wife against him.

Both of them sighed and looked at eachother only to laugh seeing eachother's worried faces.

" You are my solence princess." Harsha mumbled kissing her forehead.

Avaya always felt loved being with her husband. He left no stone unturned to make her feel special.

Every one had their dinner together with a little chat in between.

Avaya and Harsha retired to their chamber. Both of them changed into the comfortable clothes. One thing Avaya is grateful is neither Harsha nor her in-laws objected her clothing. Avaya walked to the large open porch and sat on the large wooden swing with her legs up.

Harsha walked to his wife and landed in her arms placing his head on her chest and his hands around her waist spreading his legs on the vast swing.

" What's wrong Harsha? You look tensed." Avaya asked caressing his silky locks. This is nothing new to the couple. They always comfort eachother on this swing.

" Do you think I can make a good King princess?" Harsha asked caressing her smooth hand.

" You will make the best King Harsha. If you are not satisfied by your performance as a king, I'll always be by your side to give a kick start to perform better in our duties my husband." Avaya said chuckling.

This is what Harsha love mostly about her. She always shows every huge problem as a small thing encouraging us to do better.

Those vibrations when she chuckled are like the soothing lullabies to him.

" I'll never go Against The Swing if those change are made by you Harsha! I totally believe in you." Avaya said kissing his head which is just below her.

" Thanks love." Harsha said.

They fell asleep on the same swing which always acted as a weapon to bring them closer.

With Love ♥️

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