Chapter 32 • More days in Indraprastha

Start from the beginning

"You can sing." Arjun walked close to her and helped her take off her mangtika and then he kneeled in front of her and started to take off her bangles.

"What are you doing?" She laughed.

"Will you sing for me?" He ignored her question.

"No, I can't sing or maybe I can but my voice isn't pleasant at all. I won't sing, sorry.." She said and he made a face.

"You have to deny to everything I say." He stood up and walked to the balcony. He stood against the railing looking at the sky blankly when he heard a melodious voice..

"Piya tose naina lage,
Jane kya ho ab age re,
Piya tose,
Piya tose,
Piya tose naina lage re."

He turned, he was her glowing under the moonlight, tonight she was his nightangle.

"Raat ko jab chand chamke,
Jal utthe tan mera,
Main kahu, "mat karo chanda is gali ka phera." She wrapped her arms around his neck, getting on her tippy toe and kissing his face.

"Aana mora sainya jab aye,
Chamkna us raat ko jab milenge tan man, milenge tan man...
Piya tose naina lage re,"

She left him and turned away shyly, he caught her wrist and pulled her close to him. Her back to his chest.

"Piya tose naina lage re..
Jane kya ho ab age re.."

"I think you know what will happen next." He whispered into her ears, making her shiver and blush heavily.

"And by the way, are here just for romancing Prince Arjuna? I don't see you going to the city? Was that not King's order?"

Arjun gulped, now he has to tell the truth.


"Ummm... Actually..." Arjun shutter and Draupadi turne for face him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Say, Savyasachi." She asked softly.

"Actually it wasn't King's order. I knew you won't agree to come so I lied. I wanted to take you away from everything so that we be together and salve our scars. Sorry." He rested his forehead against hers.

"I just don't know what to do with you, you spoil me." She chuckled softly, "Your lies aren't worth any punishment."

"So I am pardoned?" He said, she smiled and closed her eyes.

"If you are not, are you ready to be punished?" She giggled.

"Always." He grinned, pecking her lips, she giggled and pushed him away.

"I don't know what to do with you." She turned away to walked inside but he caught her wrist and she turned her head over her shoulder just to see his face.

"Anything you like, Krishnaa..." Arjun gave a smug smile.

"Oh god!!" She sheirked.

"What??" Arjun laughed and pulled her to him and make her face him, pulled her more closer to him.

"I don't know,I just love you." She said and he grinned and picked her in the arms.

"Oh come on!! This isn't your punishment, leave me. I will decide your punishment." She chuckled, hiting his chest playfully.

"Okay, okay..." he laid her on the best and she sat up and he sat beside her but she pushed him on the bed and towered him.

"How come I got you, Princess Panchali?" He grinned, tugging the strand of hair behind her ear.

"You got lucky." She smiled.

"Definitely." He smiled and she leaned to pull him into a kiss.

. . . .

"Did you do that, Maharishi Durvasa?" Krishna asked smilingly.

"Yes, the words which left my lips weren't just a blessing but a boon." Durvasa said.

"I know Maharishi, thank you."

"Well, that's not about thanking anyways, they were so much serving to me that I would have said that even if you hadn't informed me from before." Durvasa said.

"I know, Maharishi, they are so pure and simple type of people." Vasudev smiled.

. . .

"Aim there." Arjun said to Draupadi as she had his Gandiv in her hands.

"What are you looking at me like at that?" He chuckled.

"Why are you roaming around me like that? I can't concentrate if you kept doing that!" She said.

"I was taking a look if you are holding it rightly." He said.

"Fine." She said, "can't believe you shot the bird's at such a young age."

"He he I can't believe you have defeated number of soldiers with your sword." He said.

"What do you mean, Rajkumar!" Draupadi said, adorning herself with her Queenie accent.

"I mean, not all are like you, just that, nothing non-feminist." He grinned, "Aim Rajkumari Draupadi." He stood a little away and crossed his arms around his chest, smiling cheekily.

Draupadi finally tried to aim, she was flawless in swordplay but Archery wasn't her interest but when she is having the best archer as her husband, why not to try a hand in archery.

Draupadi let go the arrow and it hit the perfect point.

"I did it!" She declared happily.

"Yes you did!" He smiled, she kept the bow at its place and hugged him.



I know I took long to update, I wasn't in a good mood and watty has deactived the newsfeed option and I hate wattpad so much for that😬😬😬😬😠😠😠😠😠😠
And that song is the cover Jonita

Well how was the update anyways😊😊😊???
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