Chapter 10

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Another night and this time at David's arena. Unlike the previous 2, David had a whole room of beds. It was just in case some people needed to stay for the night. Also news was spreading fast as some villages down below heard about how someone defeated some of the bosses.

David and Alfred were walking together getting some fresh air before going to bed. They decided to talk since they didn't have the best history together. They were just outside the dojo walking around. Everyone else was inside and either sleeping or getting ready for bed.

Alfred looked over to David who was in a nice and gentle mood. "I thought you would be mad that you lost" Alfred said being surprised at David's behavior. David laughed as he and Alfred kept walking. "I don't need to be mad, it was a good win. It's all about being a good sport." David replied.

Alfred looked down, remembering his and David's past. He never really got along with David. Mainly because he got his butt kicked whenever they would spar. He was smarter than David but that was overshadowed by David's powers. David was faster, stronger, and tougher than he could ever be.

David noticed Alfred's state and stopped walking. He turned to Alfred asking what was wrong. Alfred replied that he and him never had the best past. They got into fights that he lost almost every time which made him jealous of David. David listened as Alfred went on and pieced it together himself.

After Alfred was done, David stepped over to Alfred and gave him a side hug along with a pat on the back. David stated that he never knew how Alfred was feeling and apologizes for making him feel that way. Alfred lightened up and straighten up. Both shared a laugh together before they decided to head back inside.

When they got back, Hum was the only one awake. David went to his bed and immediately crashed. Hum looked at David and then to Alfred with a confused look. Alfred shrugged and motioned Hum to come with him.  Hum got up from his bed and followed Alfred outside. When he got outside Alfred was just staring out at the stars.

Alfred noticed Hum and turned to him. "Hey listen up kid. The next boss you're gonna fight is gonna be hard. Not sure if he's as hard as David but he's definitely difficult. With that being said, don't be afraid to ask us for help. Most of is can counter his powers but with some difficulty." Alfred stated. Hum nodded and they both decided to go to bed as tomorrow is another day.

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