"Awww, now the pretty boy is crying" a different boy said in fake pity.

I looked down at the ground and let my tears fall silently. I heard footsteps go towards my forgotten lemonade before it got picked up off the ground. I wasn't paying attention and soon I felt a wetness over my head. I looked at the ground wide eyed as my lemonade was being poured on top of my head. I then heard more bottles being opened before more liquid got poured down onto my head. I just cried silently while they kept pouring stuff on my head. I felt helpless in the hands of these boys that I don't even know.

"That's enough guys. Let's get out of here before we get caught" one of the boys said making everyone drop their bottles around me.

They all left the bathroom without sparing me a glance. Once I knew that they all left, I looked up. I noticed that they poured a lot of things in me because of all the bottles left behind. I cried silently as I stood up and picked up the bottles. I threw them all in the trash before making my way over to the sink. I looked in the mirror and noticed I was covered in different colored liquids. My eyes were red and puffy behind my glasses and I looked sad. I didn't even try to fix myself and left the bathroom to go back to the field. I kept looking down while crying silently to myself. I walked back over to where everyone else was sitting and I heard everyone get silent. I looked at my friends who instantly stood up once they saw my face. My lip wobbled more and my legs grew weak. I fell to the ground on my knees and my body shook with my sobs. My friends came over and comforted me, not minding that I was literally drenched in different liquids. I sobbed into the shoulder of Mark while they both soothingly rubbed my back.

"W-why a-are p-people s-so m-mean?" I asked in between sobs while hugging Mark tighter.

He just shushed me and rocked us back and forth.

"I-I w-wanna g-go h-home" I whispered in between hiccups.

I felt another pair of arms wrap around me and I looked up to be met with a calm Jin. He looked at me with softness in his eyes and my eyes watered a little more.

"It's okay baby" he whispered in my ear while pulling me into his lap.

I clung to him and sobbed into his shoulder. He shushed me softly and ran his fingers softly through my wet hair.

"Who did it baby?" He asked while rubbing up and down my back.

I shook my head and sobbed into his shoulder more. I wanted to tell him but I could barely talk with how I'm crying.

"T-they s-said I-I'm w-worthless Jinnie. I-I'm n-not r-right?" I asked while looking into his eyes, not noticing the nickname slip out.

He cupped my face gently into his large hands. He rubbed my cheeks and looked me directly into my eyes.

"Of course you're not worthless baby. Whoever said that to you is just jealous that you have what they don't. You're very valuable to not just me but everyone around you. Never believe you're worthless" Jin said softly while wiping my tears.

I looked into his eyes and nodded my head slowly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him softly.

"Thank you" I whispered in his ear while kissing his neck softly.

"No problem baby" he said while rubbing my back.

I sighed in content and relaxed more into his body. I looked to the side at my best friends and I could tell they were pissed. I offered them a soft smile and closed my eyes.

"I still want to go home" I said loud enough so that everyone could hear me.

I felt Jin nod and stand up making me squeak in surprise. He carried me firmly from under my thighs and turned towards the bleachers.

"We're all leaving early" he stated in a voice that left no room for disagreement.

I heard everyone gather their things before standing up. I felt Jin start walking towards the school and I just kept my eyes closed. Lunch wasn't over yet so the other students were still in the cafeteria. I opened my eyes and looked at the boys behind Jin. They all looked pissed off until they met my eyes. Their hard eyes turned soft in an instant once they made eye contact with me. I smiled softly and cuddled back into the side of Jin's neck. I felt us stop again and I knew that we were at my car. Jin tried to put me down but I whined and clung to him tighter.
He chuckled softly and put me on the ground. I pouted up at him but he just smiled softly. He leant down and kissed my on my forehead. I instantly blushed and looked down.

"We'll be at your house later okay baby?" Jin asked while lifting my head back up.

"O-okay" I stuttered with a heavy blush on my cheeks.

He smiled once more before turning to my friends.

"Make sure you take care of him until we get there" he said seriously making them nod.

He smiled once more before turning to his friends.

"Let's go guys" Jin motioned to their cars that was in a different part of the parking lot.

They nodded softly and looked towards me. They offered me soft smiles before walking away. I smiled back before looking at my friends.

"Let's go please" I said softly while handing my car keys to Mark.

We all got in my car wordlessly and drove to my house.

Hey guys!! I don't really have much to say but to enjoy the book😁

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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