Chapter 3

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' ' = thinking

Y/n wake up to see Yin standing at the end of his bed. Y/n stares at her and she stares at him. They look away and look back at each other. Then they copy each other's ridiculous moves. They then laugh it off and head downstairs. Neo makes breakfast and hands them their plates. Y/n and Yin eat their food and walk back upstairs.

Neo: what are they up to?

Y/n and Yin play the Halo trilogy together. Once they were done, Neo hears a knock on the front door. When she answers it, she sees Yang standing in the doorway.

Yang: hey Neo.

Neo: picking Yin up?

Yang: yeah, thanks for watching her.

Neo: no problem. Y/n enjoyed his time with her.

Yang: really? It's good that she's making friends.

Neo: yeah, it's good for y/n to have some friends of his own.

Yang: Yin!?!

Yin: coming mom.

Yang: okay.

Yin runs down the stairs and walks up to her mother before being pulled into a hug by y/n.

Yin: come on y/n, it's time for me to go.

Y/n: okay.

Yin: you will always see me at school.

Y/n: o-okay, bye I-I guess.

Yin: bye.

Yin leaves with her mother and y/n goes into the living room. Neo finds her son watching SpongeBob.

Neo: y/n?

Y/n: yes, mommy?

Neo: do you want some ice cream?

Y/n: yeah.

Neo: come on.

Y/n: yay!

Neo walks into the kitchen and gets a tub of cookies and cream ice cream. She puts the tub on the table and puts some in a couple bowls. She hands one to y/n before looking at him and smiling.

Y/n: thanks, mommy!

Neo: your welcome sweetie. I can't believe your hair is the same color of an ice cream.

Y/n: is that bad?

Neo: oh no, sweetie. It makes you unique. You're just like mommy.

Y/n: yay?

Neo: yes.

Y/n: yay!

Neo: I love you sweetheart.

Y/n: I love you too mommy.

Neo: once you're finished, you can go back to watching SpongeBob.

Y/n: okay.

Neo: I'll even watch it with you.

Y/n: so what did you do for a job, mommy?

Neo: what are you talking about?

Y/n: did you do bad things?

Neo: yes, but they were to protect you.

Y/n: are you being honest?

Neo: y/n, mommy has done many questionable things in the past. Things she's not proud of. I was trying to protect you most of the time and I've killed a lot of people to stop them from taking you from me. You're my son, y/n, and I love you more than anything. I just wanted you to be happy and not want for anything. I wanted to be able to spoil you rotten.

Neo's little Scoop of Ice CreamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz