#35 Making the world a little better every day

Start from the beginning

Just when I sit down, I hear the doorbell ring. Frowning, I get up. Nathan would just come in with his key. Besides, he's working late tonight. I'm meeting Tiffany later, so who would be at my door? I walk over to the door, glass of wine sill in my hand, and open the door.

"Hi Caroline," Annabel says with a little smile. "Could I come in for a minute?"

"Erm... sure." I opened the door wider and gestured for her to follow me.

I offer her a glass of wine, but she tells me almost snidely that it's a bit early for her to have wine. Fine, I think, sitting down on the couch with my drink. Judge me. Besides, it's dinner time. What's wrong with having a glass?

"Is there something you want to talk to me about?" I ask as she sits down on the chair opposite me.

"Yes," she says matter-of-factly. "There is. We've been avoiding each other for a few weeks now and I think we both know why that is."

I frown, unsure what she's getting at. I was avoiding her because she's obviously into Nathan, but she doesn't know that I'm dating him, so all she has are suspicions. I didn't realize she was actively avoiding me, to be honest. We just don't have tea anymore. Big deal.

"I don't think you realize what you're getting yourself into," Annabel tells me, her dark brown eyes boring into mine.

"What are you talking about?" I take a gulp of wine, hoping that she's not going there.

"Don't play dumb," she hisses, all niceness gone. "You're obviously sleeping with Nathanial."

I try to keep my eyes from widening, carefully resuming my stern look as I gulp down more wine. "Nathanial? You mean the old neighbor? Why would you say that? I hardly know him."

She shakes her head and I can't help but admire her long brown hair. So straight, so shiny. Nothing like my unruly mane, even though the color of our hair is similar. "Caroline, I live right next door. Do you really think I don't see him going in and out like he lives here? Unless you're holding parent-teacher conferences in your bedroom, there's no other explanation."

What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I've been fearing this moment from the day I found out Nathan was Rose's father. We haven't been nearly careful enough. It was stupid to think she wouldn't find out, especially considering the fact that she has the hots for him and is probably constantly on the lookout.

"We're friends," I say after a long stretch of silence. No use denying I know him.

"With benefits," she adds, rolling her eyes. "And I get it, I do. He's a catch and you're... well, you're 24 and your boobs are still perky and your skin still tight and flawless. He's been through the ringer with Elise and I get that he wants to have some fun. He should. I just hope you realize that while you're just a way to pass time, I'm the one who he'll end up with."

Wow. Did she really just say that? It stings that she thinks Nathan is only with me because I'm young and have perky boobs. She's only saying it to get a rise out of me, though, and she's not getting that. Not from me. Not tonight.

"Look, we're just friends. I didn't realize you were dating him. Good for you." I smile and sip my wine. I want to tell her that she'll find a man who will love her saggy boobs, but I know I should rise above it all. Besides, she's beautiful and not even 40 yet. She's got a figure I'd die for. Any bad thing I could say about the way she looks would be a lie.

Annabel sighs and leans forward slightly, her brown eyes narrowing. "Are you really going to sit here and lie to me, Caroline? I thought we could just have an open and adult conversation about the fact that you're sleeping with the man I'm dating. Guess I should have known better. You're only 24, after all. Nowhere near the level of maturity Nathaniel needs."

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