#15 Forbidden fruit

Start from the beginning

"Fine," Miss Hail agrees at last. "Could it be today? His mom is sick and he's driving down there tomorrow, so if today isn't good for you, it'll have to wait another week."

I'm not sure if she's lying or not, but I can definitely tell that she's hoping I'll say no.

"Sure. I'm free all day. Now works, tonight works. Just name a time."

Her disappointment is obvious. She pulls out her phone and sends a text. The reply is quick and Rose's dad is free tonight, so we agree to meet back at the school at eight. I call John as well and he tells me he'll be there as well. He only teaches Rose one day a week, but she's been even nastier when it's his day, so he wants this resolved as well.

I make sure to shower and change into something that doesn't smell like vomit and sweat before heading back to school after dinner. Theresa got sick today and I ended up in the spray of a horrific projectile vomiting session, so I'm glad to get in some clean clothes. The joys of teaching second grade...

John is already waiting for me in the otherwise deserted school. It's weird to be in here after hours, when everything is dark and empty. Almost like we're teenagers breaking into the school after getting drunk at a party. Or maybe that's just my weird brain talking. Surely sixty-something John Fudge doesn't think about that stuff when he walks the halls in the dark.

Miss Hail is early and she's obviously annoyed that her ex isn't here yet. She keeps texting him, but John and I just keep calm and wait.

John and Miss Hail are talking about the weather – how dull – while I stare out the window at the moon. Finally, footsteps sound in the hall and I fix my hair in the window's reflection, hoping I look professional. Meeting new people who are older than me always makes me feel like I need to prove I am not just a 24-year-old girl, but also a capable professional.

His voice hits me like a ton of bricks before I can even turn around, making the hairs on my neck stand on end.

"Fuuuuuuck," he curses, his voice deep and with an edge to it. I know that voice. I know that edge.

I turn around slowly, keeping my gaze on the floor so I have a few more seconds to regain a shred of control. His shoes are black and shiny, his suit crisp and dark blue. Clenched fists, white dress shirt, red tie, irresistible stubble, piercing green eyes and that messy brown hair that feels so soft underneath my hands...

Nathan is Rose's father.

His eyes are wide in panic and he pulls a hand through his hair, unable to speak.

"For God's sake, Nate," Miss Hail says annoyed. "It's bad enough that you're late. Do you really need to curse?"

John looks from Nathan to me with a frown, which spurs me into action. I force my feet across the classroom and hold out my hand. "Nice to meet, you, Mr. Storm. I'm Caroline Collins, Rose's new teacher."

It takes him a second, but he finally shakes my band, both of us ignoring the electricity that shoots through both of us as we touch.

"Nathanial Storm," he says, voice tight. "Nice to finally meet you, Miss Collins."

Miss Hail breaks the tension by sighing dramatically. "You didn't even take a minute out of your oh-so-busy life to meet Miss Collins when she's been teaching our Rose for two months?" She clacks her tongue at him. "I apologize for my ex-husband's rudeness," she tells me with a wan smile. "Guess I was right for signing those divorce papers."

"Shut up, Elise," he grunts, his eyes still on me.

John clears his throat and gestures to the chairs. "Let's talk about Rose."

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