#11 Vampire fetish

Start from the beginning

"Hillary didn't get the memo, apparently," Tiffany goes on, sipping her wine. "She was dating the mother of one of her students and came clean about it last school year after Christmas. The other parents started complaining that she was favoring the boy. The ex-wife was pretty bitter as well."

"Oh wow." I pour myself some more wine. "That sucks."

"That's not the worst part." Tiffany's eyes are glazed over like she's reliving it all. "Me and Hillary were pretty tight, you know. She came to the bar every Friday and we sat on this couch so many times, taking about everything." She holds up her glass and smiles. "Too bad she moved away."

"What's the worst part?" I'm getting curious.

"They broke up over the summer because of all the pressure and Hillary's ex – the boy's mother – started filing official complaints every single day from the moment the school year started in September, saying that Hillary was being nasty to her son. It was bullshit. Such crap. Total lies. I was there, I worked closely with Hillary every single day. She was always kind to every single kid. Hillary finally had enough. She wanted to travel anyway, so when the ex-wife started stalking her on top of everything, she just packed up her things, sold her house and hopped on a plane. She told the school she was leaving by e-mail. That's why we needed someone soon. That's how you ended up here."

"Wow." I can't imagine something like that happening to me. It sucks for Hillary, though.

"Yeah," she agrees. "So, I hope you're not gay and planning on dating Gregory's mother."

"I have no idea who Gregory is and I am not gay, so no problem there." I shake my head. "Is that why you're so careful?"

"I just don't want people gossiping about me. I can enjoy myself and find a boyfriend one day without being the talk of the town."

"Yeah, it's a tiny little town."

Tiffany smacks my arms and laughs. "It's not that small! You just think it is because you're from a big-ass city. Not everyone knows each other here. I mean, yeah, I know a lot of people, but it's not like like Gilmore Girls or anything. When I take a stroll around time, I always see faces of people I don't know. This is not some hillbilly incest town."

"Gilmore Girls!" I exclaim, ignoring everything else she just said. "I love that show."

We stay up for a long time, discovering we watch a lot of the same shows. Eventually, around three o'clock, I finally walk home, very tipsy. I check my phone while I walk, frowning when I see a message from my ex Danny.

I miss you, it says.

I scoff and put my phone back in my pocket, not even bothering to answer. I may be a little drunk, but not drunk enough to want Danny again. I'm definitely never going down that path again.


Nathan's hands move over my body, his touch so soft that it is just caress, but it's enough to light a fire in me, setting my skin ablaze. I moan and grab his hands, pushing them down, urging him to move where I need him most.

"Good things come to those who wait," he murmurs in my ear. "Always so impatient, Caroline."

I gasp when he complies anyway, one of his fingers sliding inside of me and curling in the perfect angle.

"Beautiful," Nathan says, his green eyes never moving away from my face. "A gift from God. You are the most-"

A loud ringing replaces his voice and I am startled out of my dream, panting like I'm coming up for air for the first time in hours. Fucking hell, who is calling me? My head is pounding from all those glasses of wine with Tiffany and my panties are soaked, images of Nathan's naked body still on my mind.

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