The Unus Annus Chronicles

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Day 1:
Title: Unus Annus
Description: What would you do if you only had a year left to live? Would you squander the time you were given? Or would you make every second count?Welcome to Unus Annus. Today marks the beginning of our year-long journey where the only certainty is the end. In exactly 365 days this channel will be deleted along with all of the daily uploads accumulated since then. Nothing will be saved. Nothing will be reuploaded.This is your one chance to join us at the onset of our adventure. To be there from the beginning. To make every second count. Subscribe now and relish what little time we have left or have the choice made for you as we disappear from existence forever. But remember... everything has an end. Even you. Memento mori.

Age Restricted: no

Edited by: N/A

Unus and Annus stant in front of a black and white spiral and discuss the channel's purpose, reminding us that everything must come to an end.

Day 2:
Title: Cooking With Sex Toys
Description: Mark and Ethan start the first last day of their lives right with a healthy wholesome breakfast. A tool is useless in the wrong hands, so the boys start cooking the perfect breakfast with the right tools. Sex toys.

Age restricted: yes

Edited by: Amy

Mark and Ethan are themselves again and make a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes using only sex toys.

Day 3:
Title: Purging Our Sins With A Neti Pot
Description: Mark and Ethan prepare their bodies for the afterlife with a Neti Pot Cleanse. This horrifying contraption is designed to clear the sinuses through the application of clean water and brute force.

Age restricted: No

Edited by: Ethan

Mark and Ethan nearly drown themselves trying to use a neti pot. Ethan decides he kinda likes it.

Day 4: 
Title: Hot Dog'd To Death
Description: The boys chase their dreams of joining Joey Chestnut in the MLE hall of fame.

Age Restricted: No

Edited by: Amy

Mark and Ethan try to see how many hot dogs they can eat in 10 minutes. They were going to attempt a world record, but they only had 60 hot dogs total

Day 5:

Title: Making Our Own Sensory Deprivation Tank

Description: Sensory Deprivation Tanks allow you to slip away from the noise of reality. The physical world melts away to reveal a deeper understanding of one's self and the world as a whole. But they're expensive. So we made our own.

Age Restricted: No

Edited by: Lixian

The boys make a "sensory deprivation tank" in Mark's (?) bathtub with a load of salt, headphones, and a sheet.

Day 6: 

Title: The Good Kind Of Cupping

Description: Speed Cup Stacking is a time honored tradition enjoyed by thousands across the globe. Mark and Ethan attempt to learn the ways of the cup to see if they can compete in the global cup arena.

Age restricted: no

Edited by: Amy

Mark and Ethan attempt cup stacking with tiny hands and it goes about as well as you'd expect.

Day 7: 

Title: The Bad Kind Of Cupping

Description: To be clear, Cupping Therapy isn't bad. Mark and Ethan are bad. Cupping Therapy is an ancient healing art that involves vacuums and cups. Mark and Ethan know nothing about it but are committed to trying it for and on themselves. 

In Loving Memory Of Unus AnnusWhere stories live. Discover now