Broken leg

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It was roughly three in the morning when your phone started ringing. You groaned and reached for you phone, answering it without bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" you said sleepily into your phone.

"Hey y/n?" the voice replied. You immediately perked up when you realized the voice belonged to your boyfriend, Calum.

"Yeah, what's going on," you said hurriedly.

"I'm coming home on the first plane I can catch. I don't have much time to talk, but I love you and will be home soon," Calum said before the line went dead.

There had to be something majorly wrong if Calum was coming home early from tour. The boys still had three months left and were currently in the UK. After that phone call you were too anxious to sleep so you grabbed your laptop and made your way into the kitchen. You made yourself some tea and then moved to the living room where you spent the rest of the night scrolling through Tumblr.

At about six- thirty you decided that it would be a good idea to make yourself some breakfast and take a shower. After getting dressed and quickly brushing through your wet hair, you picked up you phone to see that you had a text from Calum.

It just simply read that he was ok and that he would be home in a half an hour. You decided that you were going to quickly try to clean before Calum got home.


"Hey y/n, I'm home!" you heard Calum call.

You got up off the couch where you had been sitting and into the foyer. You immediately ran up to Calum and gave him a tight hug.

"Why are you home so early?" you started questioning him. "And why wouldn't you tell me what's wrong? You had me scared shitless!"

"I didn't want you to freak out and I wanted to be able to explain," Calum said.

He started to walk into the living room, leaving his bags by the front door. That's when you saw it. Calum had a cast on his right leg.

"Oh my God Calum! What did you do to your leg! Is that why you're home early?" you shouted at Calum all at once.

"I may or may not have fallen on stage and broke my leg, and yes that is why I'm home early. The guys told me that I had to let my leg heal a little bit before I could go back on tour," Calum said after he had gotten himself situated on the couch.

"Well, I'm not happy that you have a broken leg, but I am glad that I get to see you. Tell the boys not to worry, because I'll make sure that you're back on tour as soon as possible."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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