telling our parents

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Matt got in shower first.

Matt's outfit

Then Allie went take a shower

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Then Allie went take a shower.

Allie's outfit

Her hair style

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Her hair style

Her hair style

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Her makeup

Then they called their parents to meet them at xxx restaurant

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Then they called their parents to meet them at xxx restaurant. Then they drove since was far from their house and Matt doesn't want Allie to get tried. They arrive at the restaurant. They saw their parents and went to them. Matt: sorry for the wait. Allie's mom: no its fine.

Allie's pov
I was not feeling well so I'm going to use the bathroom. Then my best friend  came out of the bathroom and my parents was staring at her she said what are staring at you perverts and I five her and said Brieanna I need to talk to you.  Brieanna said yes. I said I'm pregnant and I was pregnant before the wedding and the thing is how am I going to tell my parents they might kill Matt. Brieanna said congrats and just tell them like you told me. I said okay thank you. She walked away from me. Then I went were my and Matt's parents were at. I said mom, dad, mrs.jackson, mr.jackson I'm pregnant. My parents looked mad while Matt's parents looked happy.  My parents: we are not it's grandma. I started tearing up I tried to hide it but I couldn't  and Matt saw it. I just ran to the car. With thoughts why don't they want help me out.  His parents came out to talk to me but it's not working. I said I'm sorry for their aditue. His parents said it's fine stop crying plz it's not good for you or the baby. I said yes I will stop crying. Me and Matt went home I went take a shower and change into my pj's
Her pj's

 Me and Matt went home I went take a shower and change into my pj's Her pj's

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Then she kissed Matt  goodnight. Matt kissed her back and said goodnight baby and to you little one saying while rubbing Allie's belly. Allie smacked Matt.

THE SECRET  OF MATT JACKSON  PERSONAL LIFE Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt