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nate's room is pitch- black dark when harley gets there. she fumbles around for a minute or two to find the light switch, but when she does and flips it on,— to her surprise— maddy lies naked on his bed.

"hey! you're not nate," maddy says, quickly covering herself with a blanket lying beside her — harley's blanket.

"how'd you know? did my height give it away?" harley replies sarcastically, handing her her clothes off the floor. "i'm harley."

maddy looks her up and down, immediately comparing herself to her.

she says to herself in her head: great tits. great ass. look at that hair. those hips. that outfit. her feet have to be ugly. they have to be.

"i'm maddy. nate must've told you tons about me."

nate did tell harley about maddy— about how miserable being with her was— about how being in- love with her completely exhausted him.

"of course."

"then you obviously must know i'm his girlfriend, so why are you in my boyfriend's room?"

harley jacks her blanket away from maddy with an amused smile plastered on her face.

"to get my blanket," she says. "i forgot it the other night when i stayed over."

"excuse me?"

"he should be here soon. i'll see you two lovebirds at the party tonight, right?"

"yeah," maddy replies confidently, not having a single clue as to what party she's talking about.

"great! see you then."

harley leaves nate's room with a heavy feeling in her chest.

she doesn't compete— especially with a bratz doll on steroids—, so she swallows her pride and keeps it pushing.

nate sprints from the stadium to his dorm room, excited to tell harley all about the game from his perspective.

he runs into her outside his residence hall as she's leaving and engulfs her into a hug, kissing all over her face and down her neck.

"where are you going?" he asks. "let me take a quick shower, and we can go and get something to eat before the party."

she smiles at him— at how excited he is to see her—, but she snaps herself out her daze. she thinks to herself: tighten up, champ.

"maddy's upstairs."

"what?" he says.

the color drains from his face, and his entire mood shifts.

"i had no idea she'd be here, 'ley. you got to believe me."

"nate, it's alright."

he doesn't like her reaction. he wants her to yell— to be angry, jealous. his feelings are hurt that she isn't the tiniest bit fazed.

"i'll get rid of her, and then we can go to the party together. ok?" he says.

"nate, it's alright. i'll go with my friends."

"but i—"

"bring maddy. she's been waiting for you for god knows how long. it's the least you can do."

he hates how nonchalant she's being— how she could possibly be so sweet to him when there is a girl lying in his bed at this exact moment.

Safe Space | Nate JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now