Chapter 30 • To Indraprastha

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Arjun did not react to it, he didn't care about what happens to Sarika but spoke at the thought of Draupadi

"Draupadi isn't cruel like Sarika, my Krishnaa will be melted by her crocodile tears and I don't want that, I have kept her away from Sarika for this reason, that girl is manipulative. I give back Sarika to you, you give her the most appropriate punishment, I know you are always right."

"Parth." Vasudev said and hugged Arjun, "I am sorry."

"Alot of people have said the same to me in past few days, I thought you'd say something different, Madhav." Arjun said.

"What you want me to say?" Vasudev said with a faint smile.

"Nothing, wouldn't you predict anything again?" Arjun said.

"There's always a rainbow after the stormy rain, Parth."

Arjun smiled a little, then Arjun bowed to him and walked to Draupad to bid him.

Draupadi walked to where Arjun was standing.

"How are you feeling Sakhi?" Asked Vasudev.

"Better than before." She replied.

"You always have to deal with the rain to see a rainbow, Sakhi. Nothing is constant, not even grief." Krishna kept his hand on her shoulder, "You understand your Sakha, Right?"

"I do, Govind. I always do." Draupadi smiled a little.

"If you have any complaint and reproach to me, you know you can say."

"Her doings aren't yours, Govind you know that very well and I can never blame you for anything and as you said we have to deal with the rain to see a rainbow so... You had already given me an assurance." Draupadi smiled. Arjun was listening to them, he smiled at her witty understanding.

He came into view and gave a smile to Krishna.

"We may take our leave Madhav." Arjun said and Vasudev nodded.


Arjun and Draupadi and all others were back to Hastinapur, they did the welcome of the new brides. Soon everything went back to normal, Karna got his punishment, he died in the prison itself due to the brutal wounds given by Arjun. Sarika was to be punished by Vasudev, so keep calm and trust Vasudev Krishna.

A few more weeks passed, Arjun was always with Draupadi and he had noticed the void which was there in Draupadi after that accident,he tried to fill it but it couldn't because they can't be alone all the time and they aren't free all the time, they aren't just a married couples but to be king and queen of the kingdom, they had their own choreses so Arjun decided something.

Arjun walked to his father's room.

Pandu his eldest son and smiled, "Putra what happened, are you--"

"Really sorry for this disobedience Pitashree but please don't ask if I am okay or not, I am sick of this question." Arjun confessed. Pandu smiled and walked to his son.

"Okay I will not because I know you are not okay." Pandu said,"what called you here?"

"Pitashree, it's very strange, draupadi and I are trying to cope up with this but we can't. We need time alone. We need to find each other back, the scar is till hurting Draupadi and I am helpless... So I was asking if we could just go away to Indraprastha for some time, as in holiday, away from everything?"

Pandu smiled, "I really appreciate your concern for putri Draupadi, Putra and you needn't to ask me. You can go without any second thought, it's absolutely fine. The loss wasn't a little we understand. You both can leave anytime you want and stay there for as many days as you want."

"Thank you, Pitashree!" Arjun said.

Pandu faked angry expressions, Arjun was shocked and Pandu ruffled Arjun's thick locks, smiling, "who thanks their father?"

Arjun smiled and hugged his father.

Arjun walked in his room where Draupadi was with Divyanshi and Surbhika, Divyanshi and Surbhika always tend to be Draupadi when Arjun couldn't, Arjun really appreciated his sister in law's for this.
When they saw Arjun, their took their leave.

"Draupadi get ready." Arjun said, smiling.

Draupadi sighed, "What for?"

"We have to go somewhere!" Arjun said.


"To Indraprastha!"

"Why?" Draupadi said, "I don't want to..."

"Oh, the people their want to meet their princess, it's an order from Pitashree we can't deny, can we?" He lied because he knew that the Fireborn Princess won't agree just like that.

"Okay, fine.."

"Yes!" Arjun said to himself. He would do anything for her.

Sarika's POV

I am so bad! How could I come in his talks?

"Sarika! Try to understand, you want ajuna, right?"

"I do but.."

"No but and ifs, you deserve him but he can't be yours until Draupadi's alive, so please help me, Sarika! Love! For love, wouldn't you? Everything is fair in love?"

"I love him... I will do so!"

"How can I be so cruel!"


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