Chapter 1

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Nicoles POV

I pull up to the summer camp and sigh happily. I've been coming to the summer camp since I was 11. I first came here with my best friend, Wynonna Earp. Since you can't come to the camp after 16, for the past two years we've been camp counsellors.

I get out of my car and walk up to the front desk. They tell me what cabin I'll be staying in and give me a key. The cabins are sorted into different sections. There's the 100's, which are for the kids between 6 and 13. Then there are the 200's which are for the kids between 14 and 16. Then finally, the 300's, for the counsellors.

There are 12 counsellor cabins, and I happen to be staying in the last one. I walk into the cabin and put down my bags and sigh. There are two bunk beds facing each other, and all the beds on both are made. That means I'll be having three roommates.

I hear the doors swing open. "Nicole you ginger bitch!" I hear a voice yell, causing me to smile. I turn around and see my best friend standing there. I see her younger sister standing behind her and give her a soft smile. "I'm taking the top bunk!" Wynonna says before I can say anything. She pushes me out of the way and throws her bags up onto the top bunk.

I groan and put my stuff on the bottom bunk. I look over at Wynonnas sister, who's taking the bottom bunk of the other bed. Waverly is a year younger than us, and hates my guts. When the three of us were younger, we were all super close. But then as we got older, Waverly started avoiding me.

One night when I was staying over at their house, I heard Waverly say that I'm "too full of myself and need a slice of humble pie". Needless to say I didn't end up staying. I've always cared for the younger earp, and I don't know why she turned on me out of nowhere.

After a while of getting our stuff unpacked Wynonna turns to me. "Let's go look for the others." She says, causing me to nod. She turns to her sister. "We'll be back soon babygirl. If you need us, we have our phones. Lets go tater haught." She says, making me groan.

We leave the cabin to go look for our friends. All of a sudden I feel someone grab me from behind, causing me to punch whoever it is in the stomach. "It's nice to see you too Nicole.." I recognize the voice as our friend, Doc Holliday.

"Haught! You punched Holliday." She says, helping him up. Doc smiles thankfully at Wynonna before I hug him and apologize. We talk for a couple minutes before I look at Wynonna.

"Hey should we go look for Mercedes now?" I ask, earning a smile and nod from Wynonna. I can tell that Doc didn't like her answer, and I understand why.

About three months ago Wynonna and Doc decided to actually go on a date instead of just hooking up. So they went on a couple dates, but never made anything official. A week or two ago Doc caught Wynonna kissing our friend Mercedes. I personally think Mercedes is better for Wynonna. She makes her a lot happier than Doc does. Of course, I'd never say that out loud.

Doc says he's going to his cabin before walking away. Me and Wynonna look for Mercedes for a while. After about 15 minutes we decide to just go back to our cabin and look for her in the morning. When we get back I notice that the fourth person moved into the cabin, but I don't see them.

Someone walks out of the bathroom, making Wynonna smile. "Mercedes!" She rushes over to her and hugs her tightly. I'm glad Mercedes is our fourth bunkmate, and not just some random.

"Hey Gardener." I say to her and sit on my bed. I glance over at Waverly and bite my lip. She's curled up on her bed with her headphones in. I honestly miss the Earp. I don't see her much, but I can tell that she's grown to be a pretty cool person

I don't know Waverly very well anymore because I decided to avoid Wynonnas house when she's home. I know how Waverly feels about me, and I don't want to put her in an uncomfortable situation. Whe I do go to their house she hides out in her room, occasionally coming down for food.

Wynonnas voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Daddy Haught. Me and Cedes are heading down to the lake. You wanna come?" She asks. I see Waverly staring at me from the corner of my eye and nod.

"Yeah sure. As long as I won't be intruding on anything..?" I say, causing Wynonna to groan.

"Always such the gentlewoman Haught. It's fine. You wanna come babygirl?" She asks Waverly, who shakes her head no. "Alright suit yourself. If you don't wanna be alone Doc told me he's in cabin 304, and that Robin and Jeremy are with him. And you can always come down to the lake. See you soon."

Me, Wynonna and Mercedes head down to the lake. We sit on the grass in front of it and talk for hours. It starts to get cold and I see Wynonna and Mercedes sit a bit closer to each other, causing me to smirk.

I hear someone walking towards us and look over. I smile a little, seeing Waverly. "hey." She says to us, sitting down between me and Wynonna. I smile at her before we continue on with our conversation.

I look over at Waverly and see she's shivering. I feel a bit warm so I take off my jacket and move a little closer to her. The younger earp looks at me a little confused. "you seem cold..." I hand her my jacket.

I see her smile a little as she takes it and wraps it around herself. "Thanks Nicole." She says, causing my heart to flutter. I've missed hearing her voice. Missed hearing her say my name.

I nod. "No problem Waves." I say, causing her to smile a bit more. I turn back to Wynonna and Mercedes and join in on their conversation. After a while I feel something on my shoulder. I glance down and see a very tired Waverly with her head on my shoulder.

I smile at her before looking back at Wynonna, who's staring at us with a slight smirk. After a while we decide it's getting late and we should head back to the cabin. I look at Waverly who has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I carefully pick her up and carry her back to the cabin.

"Goodnight Hot-To-Trot." Wynonna says, climbing onto her bed.

"Night Earp." I look at Waveryl and place her in her bed. "goodnight waves." I walk to my bed and lay down. As I'm starting to drift off I hear a soft voice.

"Goodnight Nicky..."

A/N sooo I kinda sorta accidentally deleted the original first chapter. But I like this one a lot more so it's fine. I'll try to get the next chapter out soon. Byeeee

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