Chapter 2 : buu saga

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Goki's PoV
As I awoke at 5:30 so I could be ready to train with Vegeta I decided to make myself my own gi I made it black with a red belt. It took an hour but I didn't care it looked good as I walked downstairs I saw Bulma and a worried gohan at the door
Bulma:nice new outfit Goki
Goki:yeah I learnt to sew a while back so it was easy.
Goki:shut up gohan!
Gohan:moms worried sick about you come home now!
Goki:so now she's worried because it benefits her I'm not stupid gohan she doesn't care she never did before now leave before I make you
As I made a chi blade in my hand turning super
And if given the chance if you attack me I will kill you understand!
Gohan backed off at my statement
Gohan:mom won't be happy Goki
Goki:I don't care go to hell! As tears welled up in my eyes
Bulma:goki I'm sorry I had no idea it was this bad want to talk about it?
I nodded as I told her about everything
Goki:I guess thanks you and vegeta took me in like your own and cared for me ~sniff~ and you have no idea how much it ~sniff~ meant to me so thank you.
As I started crying as Bulma hugged me this felt nice to finally fully open up how I feel to someone
Bulma:don't worry goki I even accidentally called you daughter and such sometimes luckily you never noticed
Goki:well at least your nicer than mom well I'm going to train with vegeta If you need help experimenting come and call okay,
Bulma:okay Goki.
As I went to train with vegeta
Goki:sorry about being late vegeta there was a situation with gohan
Vegeta:I know it was hilarious how you threatened to kill him I must be rubbing off on you
Goki:well at least your more of a dad than Goku
Vegeta:please kakarot is terrible and weak so i don't see it possible any other way!
As there training commenced at 200x gravity I struggled at the start but slowly picked up the pace
Bulma:umm guys we have a problem
Vegeta:what! This better be important I'm training her to beat kakarot to a pulp!
Bulma:goten,gohan and chichi are coming around to "play"
Goki:you know what screw acting like an earthling with there stupid customs and such I'm a fighter a warrior I don't need the stupid customs of visits!
Vegeta was pleased by your statement
Vegeta:I guess you need a saiyan name then.
Goki:I guess I do can.. you give me one
Vegeta:how about gine very similar to your name but it's a saiyan name.
Goki:I love it thanks vegeta now back to training also can... can I use a pair of your armour to train In please.
Vegeta:I'd expect no less of a saiyan.
Even though he wouldn't admit it I knew he was proud of me choosing him and his way over the "human" way as I stood in armour
Goki:hey Bulma need any help
Bulma:no thanks I'm ok
Goki:if you need help I'm all ears as I resumed my vegeta like pose on the wall leaning with one foot on the wall head down and arms crossed as my... as the son family arrived
Goten:hi big sis!
Goki:hi goten... go play with trunks okay.
Goki:now what do you want!
Chichi:your coming home whether you like it or not!
Goki:watch your tongue little earthling I'm far superior to you now leave.
Gohan:not until you come with us!
Goki:I don't have to go anywhere I'm 16 now
Chichi:yes so your a kid now come home or else...
Goki formed a chi blade in her hand
Goki:leave before I do something I won't regret! As they left in a hurry
Vegeta:HAHAHAHA!!! You scared then shitless!
Goki:never knew you found this funny.
Vegeta:yes people scared brings me back to the good days when I was a free boy at your age.
Goki:I was wondering can you teach me about the saiyans as we train.
Vegeta:I guess
Bulma:thank god they're gone I was gonna lose my cool
Goki:listen I just wanted to say is no one has ever shown me attention and care like you and vegeta and I wanted to say that I love you both like my parents because it's not like they care my mom just wants to make me a scholar to get money back and my dad just shunted me off but you and vegeta actually care so thank you...
Bulma:of course anytime goki to be honest having you around is good because you always help out and bring out the best in vegeta and though he won't admit he loves you just as much as me.
Goki:then would it be okay if I stayed here like permanently?
Bulma:of course
Goki:and can I call you mom and dad.....?

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