[kyras pov]

i hear vinnie come back.

i get up and see an officer unlocking my cell.

"come on" he orders.

i get up and he puts handcuffs on me.

i wanted to ask vinnie how it goes but i had to leave.

the officer leads me to a changing room with all the other girls he takes the handcuffs off me and i go inside. i brush my teeth and look at myself in the mirror i dont recongnize myself my brown hair is vey dirty and nasy, my face looks rough without any makeup, but yet vinnie still calls me "pretty lady" i just look like a total mess.

i realize others want to use the mirror so i move to the side and say a simple sorry.

after im finished doing everything i walk out into the cafeteria.

the line is very short so i decide to go and get in line.

i wait and finally get to the front of the line

i go sit down where no one else is sitting so i don't cause drama.

"kyra?" I hear a voice say.

i turn around and see Elizabeth, my old friend from highschool.

"what are you doing here?" She asks. i stare at her remembering her. "im just here i guess" i tell her. i laugh a bit at how longs it been.

"i haven't seen you in so long" she tells me. "I know" i smile.

she hugs me,i hug her back. "no hugging" an officer yells, "oops, i really dont care" elizabeth laughs. im so glad she's here, someone i know.

"i hope for whoever got you in here karma comes back for them like a bitch, cause how can a sweet innocent girl get put here?" she touches my shoulders, "please tell me you get out of here soon"

"i don't know, im here for a year though" i smile at how she thinks I'm still the same little innocent freshman i was.

elizabeth is a couple of years older than me. I became friends with her when i was a freshman in high school, she was a senior.

after freshman year i never saw her again.

"w-why are you here,how long have you been here" i ask in shock.

"for a year" what could she have done to be here.

"i know you most likely wanna know why i'm here but it's just fucked up shit that not important, let me just tell you hes gonna have some very bad karma" she laughs.

"please tell me" i beg her to tell me why shes here.

"ok fine, so i was in an abusive relationship and one day i tried fighting back, but with a weapon which was a bat, well we both had to go to court he got more time in prison than me" she explains why she is here.

"thats fucked up, i mean you were using it for self defense you shouldn't have to be in this stupid ass prison" i tell her.

"its fine im over it now, how are you how was high school?" She seems interested on my very boring life.

"it was good" i smile, thinking about it i actually had a good high school life.

"i hope you spent it how you wanted to" i kinda did i guess, except for having strict parents who acted like they cared, even though they didn't.

"what did you do to end up here i thought you wanted to go to college right after high school?" She looks confused.

"i got caught with drugs, but they weren't mine but it was blamed on me, they all left me and i had to take blame" i admit.

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