Never really over (part 6)

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Betty's POV: I sit there in a silence that is suffocating, did I just kiss him? Or did he kiss me?
Suddenly I get up, I need to find him but as soon as my out of the door. Veronica is right there waiting for me

Veronica: come on we have less than 48 hours till the wedding, LETS GET MOVING
Betty: okay I'm coming
Veronica*knocks on Cheryl and Toni's door* come on y'all we are burning daylight
Cheryl: we're coming
Betty: V why are you wound so tight?
Veronica: we can't find Jughead
Betty: oh
Veronica: yeah and I feel like it's falling apart
Cheryl*come out with toni* come on we need to go try on dresses
Veronica: yeah let's go

**in the bunker
Jughead*walks around* everything looks ancient*dust off his and Betty's serpent jackets*

Jughead's POV: I see Bettys jacket and I think about her and our kiss. I need to see her, to talk to her, to tell her what I haven't been able to

**back at the house
Jughead: Reggie where are the girls?
Reggie: oh they were out all day so they are staying at some hotel, they will be back tomorrow morning. Why bro? Where have you been?
Jughead: well I need to talk to Betty, we may have kissed
Reggie: seriously? Bro*hugs him*
Jughead*sits down* I don't know if she even meant it. I don't even know you kisses who
Reggie: dude, we are gonna figure this out

**at the hotel
Veronica: that was a very busy day
Betty:yeah you get married in 24 hours*smiles*
Veronica: yeah I can't wait
Betty: I'm so confused
Veronica: what happened?
Betty: me and Jughead kisses but then he left
Veronica: what?
Betty: I don't even know who kissed who, maybe he couldn't do anything and he doesn't want that
Veronica: it's gonna be okay, how about after the rehearsal dinner y'all can talk?
Betty: yeah or scream*laughs*
Cheryl: my advice is sleep on it, cause we are tired
Betty*laughs* okay goodnight y'all

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