❤️ Chapter 18 ❤️

Começar do início

Cedric parked where he did last time and we basically repeated the same steps, only this time Lorena was not outside to greet us. We marched up the steps side by side and I put on my scared little boy face. I bit my lips, looked around nervously, made a plan to avoid as much eye contact as possible, and let myself fidget away.

The mansion was busy inside, something that you wouldn't guess from the outside appearance. I remembered how empty it was the first time I went in, now it felt like a packed day at an office job. This time around there were people walking down the halls, from room to room, some hurrying with boxes and papers like it was an ordinary job.

"Where's Lorena?" Cedric asked some random man.



Cedric moved and I followed like a puppy, afraid of the hall that I once entered when I followed a strange carpet that led me to the massive backyard with the bleeding statue.

That I bathed in.


Half of the scared face I wore was an act, the other half was real. It didn't bring back good feelings being in this place. I was so damn anxious that I didn't even have to pretend anymore.

We found Lorena by the creepy statue. She was sitting by the water while surrounded by a group of men. They were talking quietly, it seemed serious so we didn't interrupt. When they were done and the men scattered, Cedric told me to stay put and walked to her. Whatever he was telling her, she was buying. She kept nodding like an understanding mother, her hand resting over her heart delicately.

When they were done talking, he ran back to me and flashed me a quick smile that Lorena couldn't see. He was victorious. All of my anxiety disappeared as fast as it came.

I was mostly glad I didn't have to talk to anyone. I couldn't explain to them why I disappeared. Any lie I'd say would sound suspiciously planned.

Cedric took me to the hospital part of the mansion. I swear my legs were burning by the time we got there. You might need a whole ass car just to cross from one side of the mansion to the other.

It was truly weird. It looked so different from the rest of the place. It actually seemed like a real hospital. There was even a waiting room with a front desk.

Cedric went up to the receptionist and got a clipboard with some papers, afterwards he fetched me from the waiting room and took me to an empty room and closed the door behind.

"Fucking hell," Cedric sighed, catching his breath as if he were holding it for the longest time. "I can finally breathe."

It was insane how normal this looked. There was a blue bed with the paper sheet where a patient would sit or lay on. There was a small counter with a sink and other medical supplies, with cabinets that I was sure were filled with tools and more supplies.

"What now?" I asked, looking around skeptically as if we were being secretly recorded.

"These rooms are safe, don't worry," he said, reading my face. "I have to fill these papers. I've never done it before, but I know how it goes since I've seen it done many times."

"You make it sound like it's a procedure."

"Please have a seat, Mr. Mars," he ordered with a sly smile.

"Ah, yes. I've seen these videos on the hub," I admitted as I jumped on the bed. "Do I need to remove my clothes for this?"

Cedric looked lost for a second, like he was imagining it and forgot to come back to earth. "N-No. It's not a physical examination, but I will definitely need your weight, height, and I do need to take your blood."

Psychosexual [BoyxBoyxBoy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora