Babysitting & Ex-Boyfriends [7]

Depuis le début

"That's Zuko and Katara!" Emile smiled.


"They're characters from one of my favorite shows ever, Avatar: The Last Airbender!"


In that moment Emile knew exactly what they were going to do. He pulled out Remy's laptop and found Avatar online. Kai was instantly fixated on the show, climbing onto Emile's leg to watch it. Emile shifted around a bit to make Kai more comfortable. They snuggled into him and the two watched the cartoon together.

"I hope things are going this well for Remy." Emile thought.


"I can do this.. I can do this.." Remy kept repeating the same phrase under his breath over and over again. It wasn't helping him, but he hoped it would start helping soon.

He had taken the train almost a full two hours before getting to the stop he needed to arrive at. His ex-boyfriend wasn't in the picture for Kai, but he still lived somewhat nearby.

Once Remy made it to the street his ex-boyfriend lived on he unintentionally slowed down. He wouldn't deny that he was nervous. Anybody would be in this situation! He was seeing the guy who left him alone with a child to raise by himself in person for the first since he left!

"I can do this." Remy repeated one last time before walking up to the front porch. He raised a fist and knocked on the door a lot weaker than he meant to. He tried again, this time banging quite hard on the door. "Shit.."

A few moments passed where nothing happened. Remy thought maybe he should knock again when he heard footsteps. He caught his breath and watched as the door opened, revealing his ex standing right in front of his eyes.


"Hi, Roman." Remy said, trying to keep the bitterness from his voice.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Roman hissed, shutting the door slightly. "I told you, we're done."

"Don't flatter yourself, this has nothing to do with us. I need your family medical history."


"I need. Your family. Medical. History."

"Why?" Roman asked. "Is something wrong with you?"


"Then why do you need my families medical records?"

"Will you just shut up and give me what I need?" Remy snapped. He didn't want to involve Kai in this conversation in any way unless he absolutely had to.

"I don't owe you anything." Roman said coldly, shutting the door even more. "Now I'd appreciate it if you got the hell off my porch."

Remy stuck his foot in the doorway to keep it from closing.

"Look, I haven't bothered you for the last three years. I haven't even held you accountable for child support. Just give me what I'm asking for and I'll disappear again."

"No fucking way." Roman sneered, trying to close the door. Although Remy's foot was in pain from keeping the door open he wasn't about to give up yet.

"Why not?"

"I'm not giving you anything until you tell me what it's for."

"You should be glad I don't ask for more! This isn't even that big of a deal."

"Get your foot out of my damn door!"

They struggled over the door for a bit until Remy felt like his foot was going to shatter.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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