The Bounty Hunter

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Atreus put the blaster on her belt.

"Why do you need that," Sula questioned," You have your light saber."

"This isn't for me, Padawan. We are picking up someone else." Sula lifted her eyebrow. Who would the Jedi council set them up with, she wondered.

"May I ask who we are picking up?"She asked, looking up at Atreus.

"A bounty hunter." Sula's heart dropped. A bounty hunter? Why would the Jedi council get help from a bounty hunter? Atreus walked over to a booth and started speaking an odd language Sula didn't know. The merchant exchanged keys for ten credits. She walked over to a speeder.

"Hop on," Atreus yelled over the crowd. Sula ran over and hopped on the speeder.

"Can I drive," Sula asked. Atreus laughed.

"No," She said giggling. Sula rolled her eyes and they began their expedition across the vast desert. Sula's short, brown hair flew in the wind. The heat beat down on her. You soon regretted wearing robes. The sand flew behind them.

"Where are we going master?" Sula yelled over the roar of the engine.

"A small village,"She bellowed,'We are meeting him at the cantina." Him, Sula thought. Well there's one thing about his mysterious bounty hunter. Sula was still upset. Whatever this mission was, she could handle it herself. Sula did have trust issues. Mostly from her abandonment and her caretakers. She escaped her caretakers by joining the Jedi. Atreus knew how hard Sula was working. She knew that all Sula wanted was to be accepted, be in a family. Atreus could sense darkness within Sula. She made it her mission to keep the young padawan on the right path.

The speeder slowed down as they got closer to the village. Atreus parked the speeder in front of the cantina. Sula got off the speeder and brushed the sand off herself. The two walked into the busy bar. Chattering filled the room. Sula saw gambling, drinks being poured, and deals being made.

"There he is," Atreus said pointing at the bounty hunter. Sula looked beyond the crowd and saw a young man sipping on a drink at an empty table.

"Rix," Atreus shouted over the chatting. Atreus grabbed Sula's wrist and led her to the table. They sat down. Sula now saw the young man. He had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. He looked about 19 years old. Sula wasn't happy about that. She was only 15. He was wearing a dark blue shirt and blue, scattered armor. He looked up from his drink.

"Good to be working with you," He said,"I'm Rix." He held out his hand to shake Sula's. Sula crossed her arms and looked away.

"Aright then," He said.

"Thank you for helping us find Varlo. He's been killing our rebel troops.' Atreus elbowed Sula.

"Ow," She murmured.

"Anything to help the republic," Rix murmured, taking another sip from his cup.

"Ah, and, as you requested, a blaster." Atreus took the blaster from her belt and put it on the table. Rix grabbed the blaster and looked over it.

"Looks good," He smiled," Now shall we get started?"

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