"I take it you're hungry?" He said with a smirk.

"Sounds like it." She laughed.

"Let me make you breakfast." He said before sitting up. Harper reluctantly got off of him and onto the bed.

"Do you need help?" She offered.

"I don't know how much you could help." He teased. She returned with a poke to his ribs.

"Rude." She said. "I mean a student is only as good as the person teaching them."

"Oi, I only taught you one thing and according to you it was amazing." He growled. "If you want to learn how to cook more then I'll teach you something else."

"Sounds good to me." She said. "Now go cook me breakfast."

She laughed at the dirty look he gave her before leaving the bedroom. She was getting bolder, he thought to himself. She had been very teasing over the phone but he could tell that she had been shy at first after they met. But it seemed she was getting comfortable now. He was feeling the same way. Every moment they spent with each other the more it felt like they had been together their whole lives.

Harper took advantage of Bakugou going to the kitchen to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out looking to see who it was. Emily had messaged her. Harper had kept her posted on everything that had happened. When she told her about the kidnapping she was about to fly out but she was able to calm her down and explain that everything was okay. She had been shocked to find out that Bakugou was a pro hero but she realized that was why she had recognized him before. She must have seen him before but hadn't remembered exactly where.

Emily's worries had calmed down as Harper explained how things were going with Bakugou. She still wanted Harper to check in with her every day so she knew she was safe but it seemed her friend trusted what she had heard from her about Bakugou enough for most of her fears to be gone.

She threw a hoodie on before strolling into the living room. The TV could be heard from the living room side of the room. She walked over to Bakugou, he turned to hand her a cup of coffee. She was impressed at how quickly he had made the coffee. He was a smart man, he knew his priorities.

"You can relax, I'll tell you when it's ready." He said.

"Okay." She replied before heading over to the couch. She plopped down, sitting with her legs crossed and grabbing a pillow to put on her lap so she could perch her coffee mug on it. She watched the news, she was able to catch most of what was going on even if they did talk pretty fast. There were some reports of notable hero work in the past few days. She caught a few names, Chargebolt, Ingenium, and Tsukuyomi. She wondered if Bakugou knew any of them.

The morning news moved onto to one of those celebrity gossip shows. They began to preview what they would talk about today. She wondered how it compared to American gossip.

What she wasn't expecting was to see a picture of her and Bakugou from yesterday.

"Today we'll talk about Ground Zero and his mystery girlfriend. Now, we all know Ground Zero is known for being pretty hostile and prickly so it's no wonder we've never seen him with any girls." One host said.

"No doubt he's good looking but is it worth that personality." The other host butted in getting a laugh from the audience. Harper frowned.

"For the first time, we spotted him on an intimate date yesterday with this unknown girl. We have so many questions! Who is she? Where did she come from? And is she okay?" The audience laughed along with her.

"Breakfast is ready-" Bakugou said walking over before catching sight of the screen.

"What the hell!" She yelled at the TV, standing up.

Message Received (Bakugou Katsuki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now