▪️ Trinity Meets Mother

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Sofie shrugs. "I'm not trying to be."

"Oh my gosh!" Ms. Kossal gasps, catching their attention along with the rest of the class. "Maya. Maya. My goodness," she shows off Maya's canvas to the class. "This is brilliant."

"Looks like somebody is," Violet whispers to them.

Trinity was somewhat shocked. "Maya's pretty good. Who would have thought?"

"Farkle's in a bird's nest," Riley critics.

"And looks like somebody might be jealousy," Sofie mutters.

"It's a work of surrealism, Riley. It's how this artist's mind views the subject," Ms.Kossal tells the class.

Farkle frowns at Maya. "I'm a bird to you?"

"No, you just..." Maya hesitates. "Need to be protected."

Trinity frowns.

A hand gently covers her own. She looks up to see that Violet at switch places with Sofie.

"You okay?"

"I am," she assures. Sometimes it can be hard to see your own twin-like others more than she loves you.

"Maya, there's a school exhibit comping up. I want one of your pieces," Ms.Kossal announces.

Trinity snorts. "That's not going to happen. Maya would never allow herself to be open to critics, even with the chance of being highly praised."

"No thanks, Ms.Kossal," Maya replies, proving Trinity right. "I don't draw for other people to look at, but thank you."

Ms.Kossal wasn't giving up just yet. "I'd appreciate you thinking about it, okay?"


At the sound of the bell, Trinity stands, stretching her arms. She really did love cooking more, there's a lot more movement when in the kitchen.

"So..." Sofie starts looking away from her. "I heard that my Dad as a meeting with your mom today."

Trinity freezes arms stretched out, before slowly turning to Sofie. "What?"

"Do you think...?" Violet asks.

Sofie shakes her head. "It's just a consultation meeting. But it's a start Trini."

A small smile graces Trinity's face. "Yeah, it is."

Eight that afternoon, Trinity was in the kitchen coming up with ideas for the opening house while her mom sits at the table, checkbook open, and a stack of envelopes beside her.

"Okay, try this," Trinity tells her mom, handing her a plate with a chocolate chip cookie.

Katy takes a bite, and instantly beams sat her daughter. "This is so good, Trinity," she takes another bite. "It's delicious."

"Thank you," she turns back to the kitchen, busying herself with prepping for her next dessert. "So, I heard you meet with Uncle Simon?"

Katy wearily sighs. "You know Simon thinks Sofie as his office bugged. She knows things she shouldn't."

"She's the best person to go to for information," Trinity agrees. "So?"

"I talked to Simon," Katy agrees. "I don't know Trinity. He might refute, and then it'll be this whole battle."

"Well, those bills right there wouldn't look so bad of he was paying."

"If who was paying?" Maya asks, coming into the room. "What's going on?"

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