"The... doors? But they were only glass, they should have just been blown to bits when the fire finally grew out of control."

Mika shook her head, eyes locked with Rose's as she continued to speak.

        "They were destroyed when paramedics arrived the scene... glass s-shards scattered everywhere. But at the time of the explosion... those 5 inch thick glass doors created a sort of temporary shield for the patient... protecting him from the initial blast of the fire that would have normally burnt him if he weren't behind those doors..."

Rose grit her teeth and closed her eyes, trying her best to calm her quickening pulse and shallow breath. 

        "Tadash- this patient... he's in your hospital right now?"


        "Why are you looking for me then? I wasn't... I wasn't here at the time of the incident."

        "H-He... er. The patient. While in the ambulance transporting his unconscious body from the exposition hall to the hospital... he said your name."


        "Or... he really only said 'Bells', which greatly confused all of us... but once he was finally treated and situated in his own room... he said 'Rose'."


        "S-Since I was tasked with looking over him... I thought that maybe once he w..woke up... whenever that might be... he might want to see whoever this mysterious 'Rose' he was murmuring about..."

        "Then why trace it back to me?" 

        "I...er, well. I thought it was strange that he said those two words so I put them together in hopes of figuring out any sort of better clue... but I only got 'Rose Bells'... and that didn't make much sense to me at the time t-time... Uhm, then I remembered reading about you in the newspapers... as the head nurse and student of SFIT..."

        "Why... was I in the newspaper?"

        "I wanted to apply to SFIT... and I k-kind of looked to you as my model..."


        "S-So anyways, I remembered your name and did a little research on you... and now I'm here. T-Though I also know you're a terrific and knowledgeable person... so that's why I asked if you wanted to work at the medical center..."


        "But... but I guess I've been holding you up for too long... you most likely have to leave soon..."


        "It w-was a pleasure meeting you, Rosabella... I hope you come back to San Fransokyo soon..."


The girl stood, glued in her spot, as she watched the timid female begin to walk away. It took her a moment to finally shake off the stunned feeling before she ran after Mika.



        "I... I'll... I would love to work at the medical center..."

        "But don't you have to leave...? Like... r-right now?"

        "... I'm sure my parents won't mind the delay... in fact, they might be ecstatic to hear that I've got a job now doing what I love most..."

        "Ah... that's great news to hear... then if you would please f-follow me... I'll take you to the hospital..."

Rose nodded and sniffled, wiping at her eyes as she began to cry once more. 


Mika looked at the girl with a distraught expression and stammered. 

        "W-What's wrong? You don't have to do this if you don't want to..."

Rose shook her head slowly, letting the incessant stream of tears roll down her face as she let out a sob, her lips curled into a smile. 

        "It's not that...

        It's just...

        Tadashi is alive."

 ✿✿✿ Author's Note ✿✿✿

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN! Oh boy, Tadashi is alive! Do you know what that means?

A sequel!!!

You can find the sequel, "Immortals", on my profile page! 

Thanks for sticking to the end!!

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