Remember that I have and will always love you

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Steve and Robin were running to help the kids with the mindflare. When Steve got gripped by mindflared Billy.

Robin stopped "Steve!" She shouted "don't stop go help the kids" Steve replied without hesitating for a second. "But-" she started but Steve interrupted her "No buts just go I'll be right behind you" after a few minutes and some convincing from Steve she goes to help the kids.

Once he was gone flared Billy turned Steve around and got him onto the floor. With him on top. Steve moved his shoulders a bit form the weight on them. "Stay still!" Flared Billy said Steve bite the inside of his cheek not knowing what he was about to do would work but he haded to try.

"Billy, I don't know if you can hear me or see me" Steve saw a glimpse of recognition on Billy's face so he continued. "I'm not going to hurt you because I know that it won't help. Please come back to me I miss you, I miss talking you, I miss snuggling up with you, I miss waking up next you, I miss your laugh, I miss your presence in my home and I just miss you so much" Steve said while his hand was on the left side of Billy's face.

Billy gasped "S-steve is th-that you?" He asked while he put a hand on Steve's hand. Steve nodded "Yes Billy is me" Billy's eyes widened when he realised what the mideflare was going to make him do.

He then scrambled of Steve and backed into a corner clenching his head muttering thing to himself. Steve heard him say "I won't let you hurt him" and "Get out".

Steve wanted to help but didn't know what to do or know how Billy will react if he got to close. Screw it he thought and slowly approached Billy "Billy can I tough you?" He asked.

Billy looked up with fear in his eyes "I want you to but what if I hurt you" he said with a shaky voice.

Steve sat next to Billy and slowly and carefully wrapped Billy into a warm hug "I know you won't hurt me Billy I trust you" he whispered into Billy's ear.

With that being uttered Billy instantly returned the hug with some tears coming down his face. They sat like that for a few minutes just wrapped in each other's presents.

When they finally pulled away from each other Steve gave Billy a kiss. Billy froze for a split second but kiss back with a lot of passion. He missed Steve while he was possessed by the mindflare.

Steve pulled away and rested his head onto Billy's shoulder. "I love you, Bambi," Billy said one he managed to catch his breath "I love you too Tiger" Steve replied kissing Billy once more. They here a scream come from the main part of the mall they both stud up and ran to see who screamed.

When they got there things were in absolute chaos the mindflare was in the middle of the mall. While the kids, Jonathan, Nancy and Robin were throwing fireworks at it. But when Steve looked at the group of kid a bit more he noticed that Jane was missing.

So he looked around and saw that she was being pinned down by Neil. Billy must have seen this because he was already on the ground floor tackling Neil to the ground.

Steve followed suit and ran quickly to Jane helping her up. "Go up the stairs and help the others okay," he said Jane nodded and ran to the stairs.

When Steve turned around to see that Billy had managed to knock Neil out. Steve smiled but out of the corner of his eye, he saw the mindflare about to attack Billy.

So without another thought, he ran and pushed Billy out of the way. He just barely made it in time. Billy fell to the floor with a bit of a thump Steve would of apologised immediately.

However, before he could do that he felt something go threw his torso and after that, he felt pain. So he looked down to see that one of the mindflare's arms had gone through him.

He began to feel the world spin. Apparently, that one arm wasn't enough since it kept injecting all of its other arms into him. Steve's vision began to bluer but something must have happened to make it let go of Steve.

Before he could slam onto the floor Billy caught him. "Steve," Billy said clearly but to Steve is sounded like it was underwater. Steve looked up to see that Billy was crying "Steve hold on" Billy pleaded between sobs.

"An ambulance is on its way," someone said but Steve couldn't tell he could only focus on Billy right now.

Steve reached up with one hand and cupped his cheek and smiled weakly. "Steve please don't leave me I only just got you back," Billy said loud enough for only Steve to hear.

Steve's eyes began to feel heavy "Billy" he whispered out "Yeah Steve," Billy said his voice almost cracking. "I'm going to mi-" Steve was interrupted by Billy "Don't you dare finish that sentence Steve because you are coming out with me alive" Billy muttered.

"You have to" he mumbled to Steve grabbed the back of Billy's head then pulled him down to kiss. The kiss lasted for a few moments when they parted Steve uttered out "remember that I have and will always love you".

With that being said Steve's vision turned to black. The last thing he heard was the sound of Sirens and the sound of footsteps entering the building.

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