Let's have a conversation...

Start from the beginning

He looked around the room.

A deep and slightly rough voice started talking:

''That would be me and no I haven't seen the host ever.''

''Thank you William. Does anybody else have a clue about the host?''

A lighter voice started talking:
''I found a letter in the dining room, a few hours ago. At first I thought it belonged to someone else here but we don't have a M.N. here, have we?''

Naib looked confused.

'' I think that it could be our host since they signed our personified letters with the same initials.''
Victor explained.

He talked quietly and even seemed a little shy. He constantly looked at his feet while talking.

'' Victor...could you read the letter out loud please?''

Victor bit his lip ''Sure.'' 

He opened the letter and started reading:

''My dear guests,
I hope you all are feeling good and comfortable in my mansion. The game will begin soon, how exciting! Like I already said in my personified letters to you, the only thing you have to do is to fix some machines to win your promised, golden prize.''

He stopped for a moment and his eyes widened.

'' Hey! What's wrong?'' I shouted and then I frowned.

He started to read again.

"I am afraid but if you mess up, there will be a punishment for you.'' His voice began to tremble.
Good luck and have fun...
Your host

A woman with short, brown hair shouted angrily.

'' They didn't write anything about a punishment in our letters...''

The woman seemed frustrated.
I didn't know if it was anger or sadness in her eyes, so I better looked away.
With my eyes on the silly and confused Naib again, who was still standing in the middle of the room like an idiot ,
I decided to speak up:

'' Of course not...''

Everyone looked at me.

''Excuse me?'' The woman said.

'' Why the hell would they tell us that we get punished?! No one would visit the manor if they knew that they could get penalised here..''

The woman looked at me with a shocked face. That weird mix of anger and sadness in her eyes was staring directly through me.

I wanted to look away, but I endured it and raised my eyebrows at her.

''Who the hell even are you?''
She said calmly, but with an attitude..

'' Luca Balsa Ma'am.'' I smirked ironically.

She leaned back in her seat and looked away. Naib finally left his rigidity and wanted to say something too now.

'' You got a point, Luca..''

Demi's Diary

I've been sitting through this whole talk not saying anything. But I need to say spectating is fun.

Especially that little fight between Vera and this so called Luca.
I chuckled silently.

Everyone seemed so lost, not knowing what to do or what to say,but everyone wanted to say something. They all were so scared because of that punishment.
But who am I to judge them?

I was scared too..

Suddenly Freddy Riley jumped off his seat:

'' Enough! I'm leaving! This is ridiculous! I don't know about you, but I don't want to get fucking punished!''
He walked towards the door.

'' I'm leaving!''

A girl grabbed his arm.

'' Freddy wait! We don't even know if this letter is written by the host, someone could have faked it!''

I gasped.
I always thought that this Emma Woods is extremely naive and hearing her say this shocked me a bit, but the thing she said shocked me more...
Because she had a point.

'' I don't care I'm leaving!''
He shouted and slammed the door behind him.

Everyone was silent after he left, looking at the door, until this Luca guy said something again :

'' I don't think that someone faked the letter.. I mean come on! We're all just as lost.''

A light, silent voice started talking:

'' I agree with him.''
A petite blonde girl said quietly.

''Me too'' said Mike,
and  sided with Luca and the blonde girl.

Eli, Fiona, Kevin and Jose joined them.

'' But what if...
What if one of us is the host...''

Everyone gasped again when a girl with glasses and brown, slightly wavy hair started talking. Everyone looked at each other in terror, I couldn't believe it. It could be true.. I looked around me, thinking about who could potentially be the host... Or was I taking this too far?

No one trusted anyone anymore in that moment.

That shock moment ended when Luca had to say something again.

'' Bullshit.''
William sighed

'' I agree with Luca. That is way too absurd.. ''

'' Of course you agree with him! You were the first one arriving here! You're the only one that could be the host!''
Servais shouted at William.

William looked pretty intimidated, but I wouldn't care too much about it..
Servais' an asshole.
This girl with glasses was seeking the direction his voice came from, she seemed to be blind. When she found it she started shouting too now:

'' Hey! Don't you dare to blame William! You know as much as the rest of us do! So just shut up!''

'' Thank you Helena.'' William smiled at the girl.

Servais got angry and was just about to start screaming at them again, but he got cut off by the loud noise of the door opening hastily.

Freddy came back in.

On his face was an expression of fear. He breathed heavily and was sweating.

'' Didn't you want to leave? ''

A guy, sitting in a dark corner started talking with a deep smoothing voice. He wore a black suit and had his greyish hair tied to a low pony tail. His dark eyes stared right through Freddy.

How scary..

Freddy looked away and looked at everyone else instead . He swallowed and tried to calm down.

'' T- The door is.. locked ''
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