Confusing Confession

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Great minds think alike. And love the same person too.

I'm referring to me and the girl standing not too far from where I am.

She is a sweet girl. And everyone in the team knows her. Everyone knows too that she likes P'Champ.

She is the charming type. Someone you can't help but like.

We all know that she's only on the bleachers every time we have a practice because of P'Champ. She never missed a practice and certainly not one of our matches no matter what the schedule is or how bad the weather was at that particular day. She's always there. She always cheers for him. In her own silent way. Always keeping an appropriate distance.

During practice and on our games, she's on the bleachers. Not at the very front but a few steps away. She only comes to him on breaks, to hand a water bottle and sometimes another if the weather's too hot.

And we all know too why she hasn't been going to any of our practices and recent matches these days.

Cancer got her.

We've heard it was still in the early stages and that the chances of survival are high. We all think that's good news and collectively released a sigh of relief upon hearing it. She is such a good girl and we all liked her. I do like her. In a platonic way. Sincerely.

While it's true that we are in love with the same person, I never thought that it's something I should hate her for. We can't choose who we fall for. I can't blame her for something she has no control over.

But I never thought of giving up on my own feelings too just because she likes P'Champ. No one hands over love in a silver platter and I won't do it either. P'Champ will decide. I won't back down just because of her circumstances. All is fair in love.

So like what I've been planning to do for a few months now, with a bouquet of white roses and gathered courage, I slowly walked towards the place I know P'Champ frequents after our practices. It's a bit of a remote place and figured it'll be the best place to confess. Just me and him plus these flowers and my feelings.

Getting nearer the place, I stood frozen and unable to move. P'Champ was there with her. She has a bouquet of white roses too. And if that wasn't enough of a clue, her words made clear her purpose of being there.

"P' I know this is probably just one-sided but still I am trying my luck. Getting sick taught me a lot of things. And one of which is that life is short. And that it can be taken before you think your time is up." She paused at this. I can see she's nervous and the pause was probably to summon her courage.

"I'm not sure what will happen in the future. I am only certain I like you P'. Please accept the flowers, they stand for what I feel for you."

And with that she handed the bouquet.

P'Champ was in trance for a few seconds. He must've been shocked to receive a confession when he only wanted to get a bit of air and rest at his favorite place after practice. Still he recovered after some time and received the flowers.

It was my cue to go away. He already decided.

His silent decision ripped me. Like someone's choking me. Should be similar if someone were to cut open my chest, pull out my heart and trample on it several times. That painful. Everything went down the drain.

Months of planning and rehearsing what words I'll say, what flowers I'll bring, what clothes to wear, how I can better express the depth of my feelings all came to nothing.

I was about go after one final look at them when P'Champ suddenly turned towards my direction and I never stood more still in life before.

I thought I'd die standing when I heard someone who sounded annoyed spoke behind me.

"You! How can you ditch your cleaning duties and stand here?"

I turned towards the direction of the person speaking. I'm not sure if it was the look on my face or my clothes or the flowers I'm holding but I must have shocked P'Dew for he momentarily stopped and only stared at me. His eyes wide with surprise.

He's always annoyed at me which makes me annoyed at him in return but that day, his words were like a life vest to a drowning person. He just saved me.

I felt grateful to him for the first time in forever and badly wanted to hug him but held myself the last minute. The guy is a porcupine, I'll only end up hurting myself.

Now the only problem is, how do I explain this look and the flowers I'm holding? Not wanting to get in between P'Champ and the sweet girl who just confessed to him and who he just accepted, my mouth decided to tell a harmless, white lie.

"This is for you P'. I like you."

Needing to get away from the place as soon as possible, I unceremoniously pushed the bouquet of white roses to my senior's hands.

I'm not sure how P'Dew took the confession but I'm too brokenhearted to think of anything other than my own pain at that time. I only hope he won't get nastier and bully me less.



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