
So umm you gave yourself the abortions?


Yup. You want a drink? 


No ma'am


Look it's gonna be alright in the end


*deep breath


Get up come on let's get this over with.




Lay down on the table and pull your pants and panties off.

I did as she said and I felt so awkward letting her examine my vagina. She rinsed off the tools and asked me something...


You scared?


*nods head


Don't worry you won't feel nothing but a little pinch

She brought out a bowl of water and this clamp thing. Then she put gloves on. She spreaded my legs wide and rubbed the clit of my vagina searching for the hole. When she did that I immediately panicked as she spreaded my vagina and stuck the clamp inside me. Only God Knows The Pain I was feeling. It was excruciating pain and because I was tight it was even harder to get it through and I screamed and screamed and cried but she wasn't stopping. I saw my life flash before my eyes and the first person I saw was Pac talking about how he loved this baby then I saw Janet excited and Ken lord Ken was just the happiest person on earth. I couldn't do this. I'm not a murderer. I can't kill this baby. I was confused and I was in pain I clutched my hands to the edge of the table as I saw blood running from my body. Too much blood. All I can remember was yelling "GET THIS THING OUT OF ME" and "PLEASE STOP LET IT LIVE LET MY BABY LIVE....!!!!" right before I blacked out on the table....


I woke up and the lady was looking at me. I was terrified as she tried to touch me. I grabbed my clothes and ran to find help until I looked down only to find myself bleeding to death. I stuck my hand between my legs and pulled out a puddle of blood thinking about what the hell I just did or tried to do. I cried and sobbed because I was still feeling pain but this pain was much worse than before. I fell to my knees thinking how could I be so selfish to do this. My phone started ringing but I didn't have the strength to answer it.....



Where the hell is Toni?

I called Toni several times and she would not answer. I wonder where she is. Something ain't right because the Toni I know would have been answered the phone. I called one more time and she answered crying...




*breathing heavily


What's wrong? Where are you?


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